Monday, July 04, 2011

Black comedian under fire again

We read:
"Tracy Morgan has landed in hot water yet again, this time for a stand-up show during which he mocked “retarded” kids and “cripples.” Performing at a New York comedy club on Saturday, Morgan told his audience not to “mess with women who have retarded kids” because “them young retarded males is strong … they’re strong like chimps.”

Morgan also talked about hooking up with a “cripple” with a prosthetic arm. The crowd reportedly responded with groans and “uh-oh.”

The Arc, an advocacy group for people with disabilities, is calling on Morgan to apologize. “Tracy Morgan should apologize immediately,” The Arc CEO Peter Berns told EW in a statement. “This quote is far too offensive to be excused as comedy, and it is very hurtful to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.”


The words he used were simply old-fashioned. In the context he used them they were not abuse.


stinky said...

At this point, he's doing it deliberately, for publicity.

Matt said...

Well.....he's popular, so he's probably giving viewers and followers what they want. These types of people are nothing without someone in the national media telling them how "controversial" and "subversive" they are or "expressing disappointment" at something they said.

Spurwing Plover said...

Retarded kids have more intellegence then any honor student that graduates from some leftists school

Anonymous said...

You all make excellent points. Prior to the nation being infected with political correctness, these terms were widely used and accepted, and not meant to be offensive, just descriptive. Now, we have lawyers running TV commercials and people "in certain neighborhoods" crawling around just looking for someone to "offend" them in some way just so they can get an easy payday. We have become overly sensitive society because for some, it pays very well.

BTW, is there anyone left in this country who doesn't have an advocacy group?

Anonymous said...

No doubt Tina Fey will put out a statement shortly denouncing his comments.
If disabled people are equally entitled to protection from humour as gays Chris Rock and the others will likewise come out in support of the disabled.
I'm waiting...
As the father of a child with a disability I'm not offended, but I also know that comedians often go for shock-value.

Anonymous said...

How is the budget at Arc doing now ? .... Follow the money .

Anonymous said...

All he has to do is say he was talking about Trig and all the leftie hypocrites will be rolling on the floor with laughter at his brilliant comedy and the ACLU will be defending his free speech rights.