I thought so
The latest noose incident was the work of a "minority" student. As soon as I saw the report of this "hate crime" I very nearly put up a note of it identifying it as unlikely to be the work of "white racists". But I decided to wait and see instead. There have been so many fake "hate crimes" in the past that fakery is the first thing one must suspect in such incidents:
"The UC San Diego student reportedly responsible for hanging a noose last week in a campus library issued a public, but anonymous, apology Monday and said she had no racist motivation.
The noose's discovery set off protests at a school that is already tense from recent racially charged episodes and triggered condemnations from UC leaders and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
In a letter published Monday on the front page of the UC San Diego student newspaper, the Guardian, the student wrote that the incident was "a mindless act and stupid mistake" and was not meant to recall the lynching of blacks.
"As a minority student who sympathizes with the students that have been affected by the recent issues on campus, I am distraught to know that I have unintentionally added to their pain," the student wrote. She was suspended Friday and remains under investigation for a possible hate crime.
Amusing that even the Governator was sucked in. Leftists would have revelled in it, of course.
I guess when they can't find real haters they have to invent them.
Where did you get the crack cocaine that destroyed your brain and helped you produce that litney of "IT'S ALL WHITEY'S FAULT" crapolla?
Ok - apparently a noose is a forbidden symbol. I am pretty confident that however many black people were lynched the number pales into comparison with criminals hanged. Why has it become an exclusively black symbol?
What other forbidden symbols are there?
Fried Chicken
It's typical of the Left. If you don't have someone to hate or put down, make one up. It gives them the attention and publicity they so desperately crave.
Manufactured victimhood. A specialty of the Left. Montana has nothing else.
She "allegedly" committed a hate crime?
If she were White, the word "allegedly" wouldn't be there. Besides, the way the country's going, with a full-blown Marxist in the WH, to bring lynching back wouldn't be a bad idea. If blacks, and their fuzzy-brained, whining, liberal enablers (like montana above) are so fascinated with lynchings, let's help them along.
Montana it is the students fault for acting like a bunch of morons.
To blame others is silly and destructive. Your own list shows a bunch of folks acting shamefully on both sides of the issue ending in the noose. Of course I do find it amusing that your first point spells out "dumb white frat guys" (correctly) but then "who also happens to be black"
You have some serious issues that you would be best to cure before you spiral further into that well of hate you have.
People, it's a f*cking noose. A noose doesn't mean lynching. It depicts death by hanging. Whites Blacks, Hispanics, Middle Easterners, Asians, just about every race has hung their criminals at some point in history.
Blacks are just hung better.
No, they hang better.
no they commit homicide at a frequency so alarming that without them our homicide rate would drop in half.
Nooses are not explicit enough to be threats. Posting a noose somewhere is just littering. If it is on your own car or property it is protected by the 1st amendment.
But don't expect the cops not to arrest you anyway. The cops are criminals and don't know the law.
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