Monday, August 10, 2015

Panel votes to keep Jefferson Davis statue in state Capitol

"A Kentucky commission will not remove a statue of Jefferson Davis from the state Capitol, saying the likeness of the Confederate president juxtaposes nicely with an imposing statue of fellow Kentucky native Abraham Lincoln as a testimony to the state's divisive history during and after the Civil War.

The Historic Properties Advisory Commission voted 7-2 on Wednesday to keep the statue in the cavernous rotunda but add an "educational context" to the display for the thousands of schoolchildren and other visitors who pass through the state Capitol every year.

By state law, the commission has final authority over what is displayed in the Capitol."



Anonymous said...

Finally some sense out of all this PC BS by the left. What would they have done if Roof had wrapped himself in the Gay flag? Banned LGBTetc? I doubt it.

Bird of Paradise said...

Common sense over Political Correctness