Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Arby’s shows how to deal with offensive speech

"The Arby’s fast food chain is turning Jon Stewart's negative portrayal of its food into a positive with a tribute ad featuring several jibes the Daily Show host has lobbed its way over the years, Time magazine reported.

The ad, titled 'Thank You For Being A Friend,' is a 30-second supercut of insults from the comedian, set to a cover of the Andrew Gold song of the same name, which is most famous for being used as the theme for the sitcom The Golden Girls.

The commercial is one of two Arby's ads that aired during Wednesday night's episode. Stewart has made the restaurant chain the butt of several jokes on the show, usually in the form of mock slogans like, 'Technically, it's food.' Last year, he invoked its name to mock Fox News host Sean Hannity, calling him 'the Arby's of news.'"



Anonymous said...

An enemy of that hypocrite is OK with me and Arby's capitalized on that sentiment.


Bird of Paradise said...

Hypotcrites liberals are hypotcrites everytime they try and stop conservatives from giving speeches liberals are the brownshirts of the demacratic party

Anonymous said...


Alpha Skua said...

the most common sound from liberals WHINE,WHINE,WHINE