Corsets "sexist"

The company behind a corset-like belt that claims to make women 'look thinner in seconds' is facing backlash from social media users who have labeled the item as 'sexist', 'painful-looking', and 'terrifying'.
Called Miss Belt, the contraption cinches around waists to flatten and suck in stomachs at the middle, resulting in an exaggerated hourglass shape for the wearer.
However, many women - and some men - have a problem with the product's claim that it gives ladies 'the perfect waistline', arguing on Twitter that the belt's results look unnatural and ignore the progress that women have made from oppression over the past couple centuries.
Using compression technology, Miss Belt purports to be able to make women look two sizes smaller by tucking in bellies, reducing waistlines, and providing back support.
Terrifying! Feminists are apparently scared easily. This must be a remanent of the Victorian era "attack of the vapors". I am woman, see me faint.
Sexist? I recall many men wore corset-like devices to appear "svelt".
Once again we have a group of people that, without thinking twice, would ban such a product because it "terrifies" them.
Personally any woman wearing one should be charged with false advertising. What you see is not what you get.
Why does 11:14 PM think such women are advertising themselves as something to be "got" ?!
If these pissants don't like these corsets, then don't wear one. Is there anybody holding a gun to their heads?
Why does 2:49 am think it doesn't constitute false advertising? First impressions are important but false impressions are lasting.
10:47 - your impressions are your own affair, and it isn't the responsibility of a person who decides to dress in a particular way,if they aren't actually offering you something related to a deliberately misleading appearance/image. I suppose you are thinking the women in question are promoting themselves as possible sex partners or marriage partners, but even in that case it's still always "caveat emptor" (it's the buyer's risk)
Hey i though Corsets went out with the Buggywhip
Here in Oz we recently had advertising for these things, for both sexes. In every case, they looked almost alien and hugely unattractive even with clothing over the top. If they want to look that unnatural without going back to the petticoat era, that's up to them.
I wonder if they make them in XXXL size..? Yuk.
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