Thursday, August 27, 2015

'Anchor Baby' a bad Term?

On the Sunday, August 23 edition of CNN's "State of the Union," conservative Ben Carson dismissed criticism of the term "anchor baby," in reference to the child of a pregnant illegal alien who comes to the United States to give birth and use the baby as an "anchor" to stay in America.  “I think it is silly political correctness," Dr. Carson said. 

"Everybody knows what we are talking about," he continued.  "We need to talk about the actual issue, and stop getting pulled off into the weeds, and saying, you can use this term, you can't use that term.  It is so silly.”



Anonymous said...

I suspect that a substantial majority agrees with Dr. Carson on this point.

Anonymous said...

A CNN reporter also got into a battle with Donald Trump and got the same response. Nice to see politicians willing to stand up to a bullying press and tell them where to put their false outrage.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:14, both of those guys are not politicians, at least not what one would expect running for President. Whether they're cut out to be President or not, it IS refreshing to hear actual opinions and pushback toward the press instead of the constant jibber-jabber of talking points.

Anonymous said...

Jorge Ramos should be stripped of his citizenship and deported for encouraging illegal immigration as Univision should be stripped of it's broadcast rights for the same reason and Obama impeached for luring illegals in order to garner votes for the Dems. Remove the 14th Amendment now.

Mom said...

Anon 7:45:

Please get back on your meds.

Use the Name, Luke said...


There's an excellent article over at National Review that looks at the 14th Amendment and shows that the wording, the intent of all who wrote and passed it, and even the judicial rulings all exclude "anchor baby" citizenship. I highly recommend it.

We Can Apply the 14th Amendment While Also Reforming Birthright Citizenship

Bird of Paradise said...

Anon 1:14. CNN(Communists News Network)is owned by Red Ted Turner and run by Big Bad Wolf Blitizer their noting but leftists propegandists like the rest of the news

Alpha Skua said...

In texas their now allowing parents of stillborns to bury their child rather then having it used for some horid parts or organ experemnts

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:30 Socialist lackey living off the taxpayer, open your eyes for once and see that your socialist friends are destroying the US. One more Dem term or one RINO term will see the US flushed down the toilet economically. The Dems should be indicted for treason for what they have done to the country, especially Reid and Pelosi who with Obama should be incarcerated for life if you don't approve of using a bullet.

Flu-Bird said...

The nazis used retarded and mentaly instable people for their medical experiments just like PETA wants to do