Must not mention elephants
Even if you are the most outspoken man in Britain

Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson breached BBC guidelines by comparing a Japanese car to people with growths on their faces.
A report by the the BBC Trust’s editorial standards committee (ESC) found he 'strayed into an offensive stereotypical assumption' with the scripted remarks during an episode of the hit motoring show.
A member of the public complained about the 'offensive' remarks after Clarkson likened the shape of a Prius campervan to someone with 'a growth on their face' and referred to it as the 'elephant car.'
The ESC said the show’s audience enjoyed the presenters’ 'sometimes controversial and forthright views' but ruled this remark 'played on a stereotypically negative reaction to facial disfigurement.'
'The committee concluded that this programme was in breach of the guidelines on harm and offence as the exchanges about facial disfigurement were not editorially justified and did not meet generally accepted standards in the context of their portrayal of a disability.' It upheld the complaint.
Clarkson actually said nothing about the elephant man -- a circus freak of the 19th century. Some people just put his words together that way. His description of the car was pretty spot-on. Only a Greenie could love it
PC the socialists radical ideas
I saw the show and you have to want to be offended by the exchange, and the car is hideous.
Anon 2:05, and that's the point!
Those looking for offences are typically the only ones who are actually offended. The rest of us have thick skins, understand irony and sarcasm, and try to get on with our lives instead of unnecessarily stirring up the pot.
What i find amusing is how we're still surprised to see that britain has replaced free speech with political correctness.
3:24 What still surprises me is that folks like you still like to condemn whole countries on the basis of individual incidents, but maybe don't do the same when it concerns your own country (just happy to cast stones in glass houses).
Brittain has allowed Islam to take hold, therefore, we will judge the entire country accordingly.
LIBERAL ALERT! Anon 6:44 is using name calling because he can't.put an argument together.
An elephant on a June bug comes to mind.
Ok not really. An elephant doing the June bug is what I really thought......
Anon12:07 - What argument? I am just expressing my feelings without being PC about it.
So Anon 6:31 is an asshole for speaking the truth? Oh, that's right, that's how Liberals make an argument: Hear the truth spoken by a conservative, decide they don't like to hear the truth, lash out with verbal abuse. Got it.
"for speaking the truth?"
Are you the arbiter of truth or just yet another right winger lashing out?
6:31's use of "truth" is very elastic. What does Islam taking hold in Britain (not Brittain)actually mean, and how does it affect the whole country, such that anyone is justified in making a such a negative generalization about the entire country?
Sharia Law in the UK is only for muslims who opt for it.
Islam is about lustful flesh not the spiritual - see their leader - all flesh.
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