Ann Coulter's use of the 'r-word' criticized

She's not bad looking for a lady in her 50s
Parents of children with special needs are demanding an apology from conservative political pundit Ann Coulter for tweeting after Tuesday's foreign policy debate that she approved of "Romney's decision to be kind and gentle to the retard [Obama]."
It appeared to be a response to critiques of Mitt Romney's debate performance, but it wasn't the first time Coulter used the "the r-word" during this election season. And, it's not the first time blogger Ellen Seidman has called her out on it.
"At this point, I'm thinking the woman must surely be aware that the word is offensive, and she chooses not to care. That's pretty vile and heartless," said Seidman, the mother of a special needs child who shares her world on the blog "Love that Max."
Still, the comment was favorited 1,215 times and earned 2,993 retweets as of this writing, presumably by a number of people who didn't find it offensive.
Obama's views are VERY retarded from a conservative viewpoint. He is still fighting the old Marxist class wars. The Soviet experiment showed where that leads.
My comment above attached to the pic was of course designed to arouse ire from the boiler-suited brigade. The fact that it true probably makes it even more "offensive"
I don't see the people offended by Coulter's word choice complaining about Eva Longoria, Obamma's co-campaign chair. She used one of the most offensively vulgar words there is to describe a woman in a re-tweet to describe Romney.
Anon 1:33 - Leftists are known for their "selective outrage."
Women over 40 or 50 can apply a mask of makeup and accessories (as well as minor surgery) to look much younger than they'd otherwise look. Men are said to age better than women without much help.
Annon 2:17 you must have read the poppycock from CARL SAGAN and RICHARD DAWKINS as well as Chris Hitchens typical ignorant liberal eletists
Actually, Satan does exist in the form of the 17 year old "boy" who was arrested for the dismemberment killing of 10 year old Jessica Ridgeway in Colorado.
Coulter is not who I would choose as my spokesperson, probably more because I think her favored policies are more neocon than libertarian. Nonetheless, it is delightful to have someone around who can so severely kink the liberal elite's bowels and set them spinning like dervishes.
i would not have been kind to the tard..he is a pos and these people need to stop bellyaching.
Well, I guess the Right has to carry the baggage of some of its supporters (Trump, two senate candidates on rape, Bachmann, Limbaugh et al) sometimes too.
That said, as the father of a child with Autism the term 'retard' doesn't offend me at all.
Finally, I don't agree with Obama and think Romney will be a much better President, but he is far from a retard.
It appears that our illustrious leader has censored some posts on this thread.
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