Swedish antisemitism thrust into the open

A woman given the chance to briefly take over Sweden's official Twitter account has stirred controversy on the social network after posting comments about Jews.
Sonja Abrahamsson, describing herself as a "low educated" single mother of two from Goteborg, in Sweden's west, provocatively asked what makes a Jew a Jew, and used crude language.
"What's the fuzz with Jews" she asked in one tweet on the @sweden account, suggesting it's hard to tell them apart from other people and then went on to joke about Jewish circumcision.
In another, she said not even the Nazis could tell the difference: "In nazi German they even had to sew stars on their sleeves. If they didn't, they could never now who was a jew and who was not a jew."
She also asked whether the Nazis sought to find the difference in the Jewish religion, or whether it was a "blood-thing" for them.
The reactions were immediate. One tweeter wrote: "in one day @sweden went from global Twitter superstar to PR embarrassment."
Another suggested the Swedish chef from the Muppet show might as well assume control over the account, while others defended Abrahamsson's courage to raise her voice in such a frank way, politely answering her questions and sending her links to read more. One tweeter, who said she was Jewish, said she hadn't been offended at all.
Later, Abrahamsson apologised if she had offended anyone, saying that was not her purpose. "I just don't get why some people hate Jews so much," she added.
Her real crime seems to be not understanding the widespread hatred of Israel in Sweden. Just mentioning Jews is touchy there.
Sweeden has adopted that animal right nonsense as well their all going down the tubes
One of the signs of a dying society is when opinion is seen as hate speech. Look to the US as a perfect example.
One of the signs of a dying conservative society is when opinion is seen as hate speech.
"Liberal Society" is an oxymoron. Appearing to be caring is more important than actually helping people ( with your own money). Conservative society is all there is.
How is asking about anti-semitism anti-semitism?
I just don't understand what she got in trouble for (I'm Jewish). Someone should have just answered her questions in a nice manner.
How is asking about anti-semitism anti-semitism?
I just don't understand what she got in trouble for (I'm Jewish). Someone should have just answered her questions in a nice manner.
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