A reasonable use of the Swastika evokes heartburn
One understands the heartburn but the swastika was an Eastern symbol of blessing long before the Nazis used something similar.
Calling the symbol a Nazi one is however historically incorrect. The Nazis called their symbol a "hooked cross" (Hakenkreuz) not a Swastika. Swastika is an Indian term adopted by the British
I in fact have a swastika just inside my front door. It surrounds an image of Ganesha -- the Indian elephant god -- to stress that Ganesha is benevolent. The Indians living with me in my house approve

Beachgoers were stunned on Saturday when a plane flew over Long Beach Island and along the Jersey Shore, towing a Nazi flag. On the sign was written the word ‘Swastika’, showing the anti-Semitic symbol intertwined with the Hebrew Star of David.
It was spotted as far north as Manhattan and prompted several calls from concerned viewers to the Long Beach Township Police Department.
Officers believe the plane was sponsored by an organisation connected to the Raelian Movement, which preaches that earth life was scientifically created by the Elohim, a species of extraterrestrial beings. In a press release the Raelians claimed responsibility for the banner, adding that Saturday was their 3rd Annual Swastika Rehabilitation Day.
The group asked spiritual groups who use the symbol to stand up and show their support, insisting that its true meaning is misunderstood.
But the Jewish Community Centre of Long Beach Island is skeptical and has demanded answers. ‘We're trying to find out - what are their intentions?’ President Don Pripstein told the Manasquan-Belmar Patch.
Unfortunately, symbols remain tied to their strongest emotional application. The burning cross represents a very specific image in the eyes of most Americans, and trying to claim that you're using it symbollically as a Crann Tara (from Scots history) would not be an argument that would win you any converts.
On top of which, the right-facing swastika is still in active use among the Neo-Nazi movement.
So, especially for that reason, even the stupidest person should probably be able to figure out why a plane flying a swastika might cause some stress among the Jewish inhabitants of Long Beach.
Once again, I see irony in your little flag in the border reading "I stand with Israel." You apparently don't support the people of Israel, so much as the idea of the country?
The sad trend today (though probably not exclusive to today) is to co-opt symbols for an intended agenda. Consider the homosexual community who co-opted the rainbow. Or the gangs who use rosary beads as a gang symbol.
To me, the real problem is that because of the liberal bent in the media and out education systems, these "revised" symbols are being reinforced without the true history being taught. It's a travesty when our youth grow up clueless about their history.
The sad trend today (though probably not exclusive to today) is to co-opt symbols for an intended agenda. Consider the homosexual community who co-opted the rainbow. Or the gangs who use rosary beads as a gang symbol.
To me, the real problem is that because of the liberal bent in the media and out education systems, these "revised" symbols are being reinforced without the true history being taught. It's a travesty when our youth grow up clueless about their history.
One interesting fact; Asians are not the favorite minority (unless their Muslim). This is a Hindu and Buddist symbol for over a millenia, yet a corruption, defiling and literal twisting (the direction of the arms) of the ancient symbol has caused it to become a symbol of hate. And people have justification to be upset, from both sides of this controversy. This reminds me of the flare up of the Nippon cafe with a third reich theme. Yet how many flare up do you see of Arab country supporting the little corporals inhumanities. This goes to my first sentence, Asians are not favored unless they are the correct pc group.
I've been waiting years for some leftist Pol to make the Ganesha-Swastika connection and somehow come up with the Republican elephant being our secret variation on the Swastika.
Never mind, of course that Nazis were politically 100% in line with our modern-day "Democrats", and 99% of the Anti-Semitic drivel comes from them as well.
To them, a "hail-Mary" reach to this kind of convoluted reasoning is better proof of racism than the Democrats who ear pointed hats and burn crosses in the woods.
Anon 10:20, exactly.
Dale - well, that's cute. Do me a favor. Name a single modern-day Klansman who also identifies as a Democrat.
David Duke, for example, tends to attend the Republican National Convention.
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