Leftists trample the German flag too: It's not just Old Glory

As in many countries, on patriotic occasions and particularly during international sporting events, many Germans decorate their cars with their national flag, as above
So German Leftists go around car parks tearing the flags off -- and replacing them with a leaflet. Translated, the leaflet reads:
Dear car driver (m/f)
I have taken away your German flag. No matter why you have attached this flag (to your car), this gives way in any case to nationalism.
No? of course it does!
This flag does not represent football or any team, but German identity.
Spare yourself your money, us the work, and nature the rubbish, and do not replace it with a new one!
More here
Leftists ALWAYS hate their own countries and have no respect for the rights, feelings and property of others. Hate is what drives them.
". . . this gives way in any case to nationalism."
A clue to their motive, which is a one-world, everyone is the same and we're all one big family society.
If only there were no 'us' and 'them' we'd all be happy. Right?.
How better to show support for your national team than to fly your national flag? Of course leftists would rather we had no competition at any level. No winners, no losers. Everyone equal. Total bliss.
The left is blind to reality. And totally unable to tolerate opinions that differ from their own
Start tampling all over the communists flag and pictures of KARL MARX and CHE
"Hate is what drives them."
Come, Jon, see for yourself. From here, you will witness the final destruction of the Tea Party and the end of your insignificant rebellion. You want this, don't you? The hate is swelling in you now. Take your Second Amendment weapon. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant.
"And totally unable to tolerate opinions that differ from their own"
I do not tolerate morons and their opinions.
Anon 1:49- So you are saying you hate yourself?
You didn't add anything to the conversation but an opportunity to abuse you.
Anon 2:14, You think that there is intelligent conversation going on here? You target me, and yet there is silence on the likes of the Bird Brothers. Incredible. My initial assessment still holds true, moron.
Anon 1:35,
Jon is not willing, but i would love the opportunity to take you up on your offer. Unlike you, i AM armed, and view cretins like yourself as prime targets of opportunity and a perfect way to rid our society of Satin's children. (ie. leftists)
getting back to the topic - sport/soccer is ritualized warfare and is meant to deflect real aggression between "tribes". It works for the most part, but in recent decades supporters and even team members have reverted to actual violence.
The Romans had "bread and circuses" to divert the violent populace away from overthrowing the ruling elite, and maybe that's the same purpose of modern elites.
Hey Eagerly Waiting,
My comment was SATIRE. It is a modified quote from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. If you can't take a little humour, go take a long walk on a short pier.
It's not that they hate nationalism per se, Jon, they've been quite happy to embrace it on many occasions throughout history where it served their purposes.
But they hate that other people are happy in their beliefs (typical narcissistic envy and misanthropy).
as we've seen, lefties are haters. We've got so many examples it goes without saying really.
1:49 - If your comment is an honest statement and not a troll you make my point quite well. Thanks.
If it was a troll, I hope this response brightened your day..
notice they don't touch flags with a crescent on them, such wimps.
1:35 am seems to be suffering from thought disorder
I advise an early visit to a shrink
right about what exactly?
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