Friday, February 11, 2011

Over sensitive Chinese-American legislator gets an earful

We read:
"Meng’s office has been inundated with more than 50 hateful and racist phone calls and e-mails since she publicly criticized Limbaugh for mocking the way Jintao speaks during a segment of his radio show Jan. 19.

On Thursday and Friday alone, Meng received about 30 calls and e-mails from people across the United States, some of whom used anti-Chinese slurs and profanity when lambasting Meng for asking that Limbaugh apologize for performing what she described as a racially insensitive impression of the Chinese leader.

On his radio show Jan. 19, Limbaugh lamented that a speech Hu gave during a recent visit to the White House was not translated as he listened to it on television.

“Hu Jintao, he was speaking and they weren’t translating and they normally have some translator every couple of words, but Hu Jintao was just going ‘Ching chong. Ching chong, chong chong!’” he said during the show, proceeding to spend more than 15 seconds mocking and imitating Hu’s accent. The AP reported that on the following day he addressed his remarks but did not make an apology.


What Limbaugh said is roughly what Chinese sounds like to Westerners. If that's a problem, get over it


Anonymous said...

It's how they talk. get over it.

Sharp said...

I have some coworkers who talk in various eastern languages and I find it almost musical to listen to. Giving up on making out any words and simply listening to the flow can be quite interesting for any language you do not understand at all.

The real problem comes when it's a related language and you can make out a few of the words but not enough to make it sensible.

Mocking is a part of Limbaugh's shtick, you must remember that Limbaugh tags himself as an entertainer and not a political commentator and should therefore be given the same weight and consideration you'd give to Colbert and others of that ilk.

Take any of them seriously at your own risk.

Dr. No said...

Good point Sharp. The professional whiners of the Left should be glad Limbaugh is entertaining and not like the totally obnoxious Bill Mahar.

"Political correctness is a greater threat to our freedom and liberty than is terrorism..."

Anonymous said...

American accents sound so insincere (probably because of US adverts and info-mercials, or maybe US politicians). The southern dixie and "black" are more risible and well-known over the world thru' the US media and Hollywood (rap etc.).

Anonymous said...

SNL just did a skit about HU doing the same thing. It's always a double standard for the left.

Anonymous said...

Did Meng appologise for the playing of an anti-american communist anthem surreptisiously in the White House?

That's worse than what Limbuagh did.


Kee Bird said...

Charlie Chan Rocks