Friday, February 11, 2011

How hate speech SHOULD be dealt with

By exposing it for what it is, not by legal bans on it
"In December, the King County Metro Transit Authority in Seattle was scheduled to post advertisements on their buses which showed Palestinian children looking dolefully at some bombed buildings with the caption: Israeli War Crimes-Your Tax Dollars At Work.

Due to the strenuous efforts of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, Act For America, Stand With Us, the local Jewish Federation, Atlas Shrugs and other national groups the Transit Authority decided not to accept the advertisements and informed the Israel-bashing group, the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign, who had sponsored them.



Anonymous said...

So much for free speech.

Anonymous said...

So much for free speech.

Just imagine what would have happened if a Jewish organization been involved:

"In December, the King County Metro Transit Authority in Seattle was scheduled to post advertisements on their buses which showed Israeli children looking dolefully at some bombed buildings with the caption: Done in the name of Allah-Your Religious Tolerance At Work."

I think the reactions would have been very, very different.

Anonymous said...

Ironically, (or typically?) the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign is comprised of, and supported by, many leftist jews.

Anonymous said...

If you guys love jihadis so much, why don't you hug a suicide bomber and have a gay pride parade in Gaza? I'm sure they will welcome you with open arms.

Anonymous said...

I've been to the Middle East many times, and have even led several tour groups there. Whenever I see an Israeli army plane going over, or another Palestinian home being destroyed, or even just a pot-hole being filled on a Jerusalem street, I tell the people on my tours (Americans) "You're tax dollars at work!"
Truth is Truth, not hate speech!

Anonymous said...

pallywood in action.

Jonathan Lewin said...

To Anonymous 6:49 AM.

Your contempt for the truth is matched only by your contempt for English grammar.

No wonder you are too shy to reveal your name.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping the story would end with,
"The King County Metro Transit Authority accepted the idea of pairing the SMAC ads with ads from various Jewish groups supporting Israel so that the posters would always be shown side-by-side each other"
Now that would have been a win for both free speech and the Transit Authority's ad revenue.

Anonymous said...

As Christians, it is essential that we support the Jews and Israel. Biblically, they are God's chosen people, and it is our duty to follow God's plan.

PIL said...

"So much for free speech."

---Advertising isn't free speech. The Transit Authority is free to reject and accept advertisements just like everyone else does. Ever heard of advertising standards?

Besides, David Horowitz has faced plenty of censorship in his life. College newspapers have rejected his ads against slavery reparations. So why is it wrong for him to use the same pressure tactics they have used on him? He's not suing, he's not demanding the government get involved, he's simply acting as a private citizen by joining and other groups and making a collective demand.

By the way, do you think Atlas Shrugs would be allowed to show a graphic picture of Arab terrorism with the caption "Islam. The Religion of Peace." I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

1:03 AM It wasn't God who chose the Jews, but the Jews who chose Yahweh above all other gods to be their special and only god. Christians, as a former jewish sect, just did the same - as you admit.

Stucco Holmes said...

"As Christians, it is essential that we support the Jews and Israel. Biblically, they are God's chosen people, and it is our duty to follow God's plan."

You are joking, right?