Sunday, February 06, 2011

Must not spoof Obama

We read:
"KFC in Hong Kong has pulled a video ad campaign selling a fish fillet sandwich using an Obama look-alike. A spokesman for Yum! Brands declined to say exactly why the ad was yanked from air, but he did maintain it “was meant to be a spoof.” “No disrespect was intended,” said spokesman Ben Golden via e-mail, according to the blog Obama Foodorama.

The impersonator is shown in what looks like a rally boasting the president’s message for change. "Change, not only for America, but for the whole world," the actor says in the ad. "Not only for your mom, but for you, for your stomach, for a better taste!"

The video is complete with a spoof on Obama's campaign tagline: “Mmmm, change is good!”



Anonymous said...

Politicians exist to make fun of! If you can't do that by law or otherwise, you're in a totalitarian state.

Anonymous said...

[sarcasm] Must not disrespect the Obamessiah. To do so is blasphemy and you will be punished for your sins. .. oh yeah, you’re racist too. [/sarcasm]

Anonymous said...

His followers love him more than the country.


Anonymous said...

You're right Anon. Those are the people too stupid to understand that change is not always good, nor is change always for the better.

Anonymous said...

Any political system that can't tolerate taking the piss out of its leaders is not a democratic system but dangerously close to totalitarian.

Spurwing Plover said...

Obama is still americas worst president in the history of america