Thursday, May 22, 2008

A semi-setback for homosexuals

We read:
"Nationwide outrage against public school participation in the "gay"-friendly 2008 Day of Silence resulted in hundreds of students boycotting the observance and some administrators canceling pro-homosexual activities.

Parent and community protests against school involvement made all the difference, Linda Harvey, president of Mission America, told WND. "The Day of Silence Walk Out was extremely successful," she said. "In many high schools, hundreds of students stayed home. Here at Mission America, we had thousands of e-mails from both parents and schools, and more than 300 schools were taken off our initial list of those we believed would be sponsoring this pro-homosexual event."

Despite claims that the silent protest is organized by school-age children, Harvey said it is orchestrated by adults using local schools to portray homosexuality, bisexuality and transgender behaviors as lifestyles that are worthy of sympathy. She said activists claim to have been subjects of discrimination, and they try to portray them as a minority group, comparable to other racial, ethnic or religious groups.

"Homosexuality and these lifestyles are high-risk, dangerous and immoral behaviors," she said. "Homosexuality is not immutable. It is changeable, and it's something that shouldn't be promoted to kids."


Read on and you will see that in some schools lots of individual Christian students were nonetheless penalized for refusing to take part in the nonsense. No freedom of thought or speech there.


Anonymous said...

Promoting homosexuality in the name of diversity is similar to promoting pedophilia in the name of religious freedom via polygamy. And did it ever occur to some of these boneheads that some of us just might not want to be diverse. But what we want is of no consequence, I suppose. The left's idea of diversity is not to incorporate all cultures & ideas, but instead, to force down the throats of those of us who had no desire for diversity in the first place, all of the culture & ideas of people that want nothing to do with the culture of the majority.

Anonymous said...

It's very disingenuous to try linking pedophilia with homosexuality, or deliberately to imply some direct connection that doesn't also apply to heterosexuality.
And unfortunately for you the world is a very diverse place, and you can't exist in a bubble of homogeneity (oh - sorry to offend you saying 'homo' - lol!).

Anonymous said...

"And unfortunately for you the world is a very diverse place, and you can't exist in a bubble of homogeneity..."

You're right, the world is a diverse place but I don't have to participate in anything I feel doesn't match my what I would consider proper. Nor do I think that because somebody else likes something I don't that I should be force fed their beliefs. And futhermore, I don't like nor appreciate someone else telling my children that something os "okay" just because they think it is so & to hell with how I think my children should be raised. I have not nor will I force some gay person to have a Day of Silence in honor of heterosexuality. If you want to be queer then have at it, but don't think for one moment that I have to accept or like it because you say I do.

Anonymous said...

Why are the scools even involved in this? How does this foolishness teach childen to read etc...

Anonymous said...

I do not feel that homosexualty should be condemned nor should it be honored.

Anonymous said...

Also it's a pretty well established fact that pedophilia goes hand in hand with homosexuality, to deny that is to be blind to the obvious.

Of course that's the real reason that ilk isn't welcome leading Boy Scouts and also why they're so desperate to become leaders.

Anonymous said...

hmm really - please quote the established statistics that show there are more male pedophiles who are interested in young boys than in young girls.
Or it is just the impression given by the media's sensationalist stories about catholic priests and boy scout leaders for the delectation of their prurient audiences - ??

Anonymous said...

I don't know if there are statistics. Perhaps there are statistics on the NAMBLA website.

Anonymous said...

Any "statistics" quoted on NAMBLA are likely to be biased or skewed in their own favor.

Anonymous said...

"It's very disingenuous to try linking pedophilia with homosexuality, or deliberately to imply some direct connection that doesn't also apply to heterosexuality."

Not so. Pedophilia is rife among homosexual men in particular, to a far greater extent than in the general population.

Forcing kids to become homosexuals (which this entire "diversity day" thing is all about) will make them far easier targets for homosexual pedophilic predators.

Anonymous said...

I very much doubt kids or anyone else could be "forced to become homosexuals" who aren't already that way inclined. Unless you mean involvement in behavior they don't really want or seek - then it's either abuse or maybe prostitution.
The object was rather to make kids tolerant of homosexuals - not to make them into ones against their will.

Anonymous said...

Time to closed down the DEPT OF EDUCATION and end computary schooling and return to home schooling and end the reign of the NEA

Anonymous said...

"I very much doubt kids or anyone else could be "forced to become homosexuals" who aren't already that way inclined."

The studies are out there but you are deliberately blind to them. It's a fact that most male homosexuals were raped by men themselves when they were young. The evidence says that they *are* forced into that mold.

Anonymous said...

Please quote these studies and then maybe I won't be "blind" to them. I'm especially interested in a study that shows that it's a "fact" that "most" homosexuals were "raped" by men when young!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

anyone can see that last isn't any kind of objective study - it shows from the outset it's a highly biased opinion and prejudiced viewpoint - and then mis-using other references as implied support.

Anonymous said...

That bias doesn't make the quotations untrue.

Anonymous said...

It's a matter of context - there it's manipulated by the authors for their obvious agenda of demonizing ALL homosexuals as actual or potential pedophiles, even tho' that term is meant to apply to pre-pubescent children and not those up to some random age of consent that could be set as high as 18 or 21 - ref. the term "ephebophilia".
Clearly individual homosexuals (like anyone else) have personal preferences as to the age-group which attracts them - some like older, some like about the same age and some like younger - but only a tiny minority would be sexually attracted to pre-teen kids - the opposite of which is the whole implication and point of this highly biased article couched in quasi-academic style just to appear authoritative.

Anonymous said...

Why are the scools even involved in this? How does this foolishness teach childen to read etc...

It has no educational purpose. It has everything to do with implementing an expressed Communist goal of destroying free societies by destroying respect for the family unit through the tactic of promoting homosexuality as something normal, even positive. At the same time the Communists were trying to push homosexuality on free societies for the expressed purpose of destroying them, they fiercely repressed even the slightest hint of homosexuality in territories where they ruled. Hmmm. Is anyone else getting the idea that the Communists know something about the destructive effects of homosexuality on a society that they don't want their targets to know about?