Thursday, May 29, 2008

A nasty little Leftist hater

I guess most readers have heard of the "man" who is pregnant. It's not a man at all, of course. It's a woman who decided she wanted to be a man and who took hormones to promote that. She then decided she wanted to be a mother too.

A Patrick Barbieri expressed "disgust" at the decisions the deranged woman took leading to that situation. He expressed concern for the physical and emotional health of the resultant child.

A Leftist writer, Diana Watkins, however, felt that what the deranged woman was doing was OK. So how did Leftist Diana go about arguing for that point of view? She didn't really. Rational argument is not a Leftist talent. She headed her article as "Meet Mr. Hate" -- referring to Barbieri. Abuse was the best she was capable of. She accused Barbieri of hate but read her full article and see how it drips hatred of Mr Barbieri. That good old Leftist "projection" at work again. There is some good advice for Lefty Diana in Matthew 7:3-5.

Note that Barbieri expressed disgust only at the "decisions" the deranged woman made. He did not condemn her as a person. He in fact expressed some sympathy for her: A sharp contrast with the words of our little Leftist hater. Far from being "Mr Hate", Barbieri comes across as a gentleman -- but a Leftist would not know how to recognize one of those, of course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is not a her, it is now an it.