Friday, May 09, 2008

'You don't have the right to speak'

Student senate leader tells pro-lifers to censor their message
"A student senate leader at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point has told pro-life display supporters they have no right to express their opinion on the volatile issue of abortion.

"It's not your responsibility," Roderick King, a sophomore at the school and member of its student senate, shouted at those who had assembled a display of white crosses in the campus lawn - with university permission. "This [abortion] is a right. You don't have the right to challenge it. Write a paper. Do NOT! Do NOT put this in front of all of us. This is not your right," he hollered, grabbing crosses with both hands, yanking them from the ground, and throwing them to the side.

The campus group Pointers for Life had put up the Cemetery of the Innocents display last week, then spent the next morning repairing the damage from someone who had vandalized the field of rows of white crosses representing the victims of abortion.

Then they were trashed a second time, only this time the pro-life campaigners were armed with a video camera. As students looked on, King led a group of angry students by walking through the rows of crosses and plucking them from the ground and tossing them. Campus security was summoned, and when an officer arrived, most of the students left. King did not.

"The freedom of speech does not cover these signs and symbols," he said, according to a report from Students for Life.... The video shows King's confrontational attitude even with campus security. "I don't care if they have the university's approval," he told the officer. "They're actually making the worst statement here."

But worse is the fact that despite the students' complaint, the Student Government Association has declined to take action.


Typical Leftist arrogance: They just KNOW what is right.


Anonymous said...

The student senate member was obviously angry because someone dared to make him and others look at the ugly truth of abortion. It is much easier to shout down your opponents when it is really impossible to justify your view.

Anonymous said...

This poor, misguided fool has friends at Northern Kentucky University, where a Professor was sanctioned for her participation in a simillar "counter demonstration."

At least in the NKU case, the University President was on the side of free speech: NKU President James Votruba said any evidence of criminal conduct in the incident will be turned over to prosecutors. He said he appreciated the emotional nature of the abortion debate and was glad that diverse viewpoints are represented at the school, but he condemned the destruction of the crosses.

Anonymous said...

It just seems like the theater of free-expression: planting crosses and pulling out crosses: media heaven!

Anonymous said...

This is a leftist showing his true colors. Like all true socialists dissent is not allowed. Also to a true socialist only the people they want to matter will matter and those who are in the way of their desires are not only expendable but not to even be considered as human.

Those are the defining marks of socialist regimes like the USSR, Nazi Germany and China who've all killed millions simply because they were labeled "expendable".


Anonymous said...

If this wasn't a bunch of loser kids, bones would have been broken. But that's NOT what's happening. It's just camera media stunts. It's just like reporters filming murders. They want to, but have no murders to show the blood of, so they parasitically encourage (if you have EVER read the autobiography of Gordon Liddy or how the FBI split the Weathermen/Panthers) it is likely that the media-grabbing pictures were those of FBI agents in hippie clothes. Divide to conquer. Tower of Babel. Might even have merely been computer generated, both the crosses and the cross stompers. Why did nobody intervene? D.C. has no cops? No intelligence about subversives? None of either? But the media was there. Oh, I see.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, another example of the liberal left's high regard for freedom of speech, freedom of expression, desire to debate and exchange ideas, ONLY if they agree. But if you don't agree, they become thugs and fascists. Typical.

Anonymous said...

Freedom of speech for those privlaged COMS but not for us YANGS just like all typical liberals