This guy thinks so and I am pretty sure many Leftists would agree:
"There is a form of hate speech that hasn't been addressed properly, and that is the teaching of exclusivity of salvation: the idea that "we" will be with God after death and "they" won't. This is spiritual terrorism, the ultimate hate speech, and there have been few things more destructive of peace and freedom the world over. Maybe it served humanity once; it doesn't anymore.
It's probably already illegal in Canada. Lots of clergy have been prosecuted there for one thing or another. That salvation is a basic claim of Christianity cuts no ice these days of course: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"? No more, buster! John 14:6 can go jump these days.
Christianity is (along with almost every other religion) the most intolerant of messages. Those who reject Jesus Christ are doomed to a Hell without Him and His Father.
Of course, this is only "Spiritual Terrorism" if you believe it is true. That's what this guy misses. For those who reject Jesus Christ (and who would, if it were known as fact and not faith?) it can hardly be accounted "terrorism."
The terror of Hell only holds sway for those who believe in an afterlife. The Salvation of Christ only holds sway for those with Faith in Him.
While it might be my prayer and fervent wish that you all be Saved, if you have chosen not to be - how can I said to have "terrorized" you into anything?
This guy confuses man-based "persecution" based on Religious intolerance for "God based" terrorism.
Besides, if it is True - and I believe it is - then stating facts can in no way be labeled "terrorism."
"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23
You have only to accept a free gift? How is that terrorism? Who is the terrorist? God?
Threats have to be real in this material world to be considered seriously as "threats".
What happens after death remains pure speculation (but you can believe what you like about that - and many and various are the beliefs !!!)
Prosecuting someone for a belief in the afterlife is exactly the kind
of hypothetical pre-crime -- future crime, that Canada's Section 13 encourages, so no doubt this will come to a human rights commission soon. This takes the "equality of outcomes" to new heights!
What makes it hate speech? The offer is open to all who apply. I don't think that any of us can speak to the validity of the offer from personal experience but the offer is open to any that apply. Where's the beef?
Stan b,
Your logic is impeccable. Spot on.
It applies to the fact that the logic behind it is off. I don't follow any one belief system, but I have good morals and am, for the most part, a good person, I have my faults just as any. But to the "Religious" people, I am going to Hell, or where ever other than Heaven. But you Priests, who have molested children and raped others are safe to go be with God even wiht the severity of their sins. I am judged by my beliefs, of lack there of, how ever you want to perceive it, while these "Church goers", some of whom kill in the name of God and Christ, are good people in the Churches eyes. Yet, your own teachings tell you not to judge, so I guess the majority are hypocritcal to begin with.
I don't follow your teachings, so I am an outcast, but you don't believe in my beliefs. I don't have a problem with you for that, I support you in your beliefs but I am wrong, I am a sinner, I don't deserve compassion. Sounds like a twisted idea in God's love to me.
There is no saving the Godless Left.
The big trouble with europe especialy england that have fallen for this darwinist bull kaka hook line and sinker and it was darwinism that was the reason for the holicast
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