Friday, May 02, 2008

'Believe homosexuality is wrong? SHUT UP!'

Damages case from school's ban on student speech goes to appeals court:

"A case triggered by a school district's instructions to students to "shut up" if they held religious beliefs that did not support the practice of homosexuality is being appealed to the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit. Officials with the Alliance Defense Fund have confirmed they are taking the case involving Timothy Morrison to the next level after a panel decided against a judicial ruling endorsing the student's First Amendment rights in the dispute with the Boyd County, Ky., Board of Education.

"Christian students shouldn't be prohibited from expressing their beliefs," ADF Senior Legal Counsel Joel Oster said. "The school adopted a policy that prohibited students from sharing their beliefs that homosexual behavior was wrong simply because others might find the message insulting.

"If students violated this policy, they not only faced suspension, they could also be turned over to the police," Oster said. "Several students, including Timothy, chose not to speak rather than face such dire consequences. Timothy is entitled to a judicial ruling vindicating his rights."



Anonymous said...

Isn't that ridiculous. Christians can't share their belief that homosexuality is wrong because someone may find it insulting. Yet homosexuals are allowed to spread the word freely without threat of suspension or even prosecution even though their belief is insulting to people that have trust and faith in the Word of God. What really blows my mind is that people (far lefties) actually see nothing wrong in this kind of double standard.

Anonymous said...

"If students violated this policy, they not only faced suspension, they could also be turned over to the police," Oster said.

Excuse me? On what charge? If religious discussion is now considered "disorderly conduct" (the charge most often used in such political persecutions) then the First Amendment is meaningless to all!

Hank said...

"... the First Amendment is meaningless ..."

We're getting there, faster than most people realize.

Anonymous said...

If "the word" was the only thing gays spread, the world would be a safer place!

Anonymous said...

No, but that's only because they can't, even though they've tried. God has already sent them His answer to the homosexual question. It's gotten off to a good start but it needs a bit more time to work!

Anonymous said...

gays could say christians are sinful because the christians' own holy text says stuff like "judge not" and "let him who is without sin cast the first stone", and other similar injunctions from Christ himself - so a truly christian christian shouldn't be saying derogatory things about gays or anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Hate the sin, love the sinner. Those on the other side don't seem to be able to make the distinction. In their minds you have to love the sin to be able to accept the sinner. Sometimes even that's not enough and you're actually supposed to endorse sin to be seen as a tolerant person. Go figure!

Anonymous said...

"hate the sin: love the sinner" is an Orwellian cop-out on the part of Christians. Not long ago they'd be burning the sin out of you at the stake saying that!

Anonymous said...

You who say Love the sin and the sinner
You are a liar!
You are a vile liar at that!

It's like saying love the murder and the murderer.
It's like saying love the drugs and drug dealer.
And don't punish the murderer or the drug dealer because that would be hateful and unloving. But not only that make acceptable in society and not just abiding by the law because expecting others to live right is intolerant!

What hate the sin and love the sinner means is accept them as a human being but you don't have to like what they do.

Anonymous said...

So you equate all that you regard as "sin" as the same - homosexuality equates with murder and drug dealing. Well who really cares what you and your co-religionists "thinks"!

Anonymous said...

I meant taking your interpretation of hate the sin love the sinner means I can't make a moral distinction of a person's conduct.

You are saying that hating a person's behavior is no different than hating the person you have no idea how stupid you sound.

If hating a person's behavior is equivalent to hating the individual that would mean I hate smokers and alcoholics.

I don't hate smokers and alcoholics because their habit is nasty like homosexuality but that individual may be a good person but that doesn't make what they do right.

Smoking harms the body.
Homosexuality is social suicide and shouldn't be condoned at all but that doesn't give anyone a right to mistreat them or arrest them for their conduct.

I'd be content if they didn't flaunt their lifestyle on TV.
I don't wanna know what they do behind closed doors and I'd rather not be given a demonstration either.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather christians didn't flaunt their religion and lifestyle on tv and other places, but I have to put up with it. And I have to put up with reading your wild rants as well!

Anonymous said...

oh chuckle boy - please increase your medication or reduce the alco-intake, or both!

Anonymous said...

Well I will say this you haven't refuted anything I said notice that ridiculed my interpretation of tolerance instead refuting it.

You said "Christians shouldn't flaunt their lifestyle however you never mentioned what harm it could do to society.

I saw no need to mention the harm homosexuality inflicts society because anyone who understands biology knows the answer to that question.

Your pathetic little sarcastic remark proved to me that your talk of tolerance is a grand fraud!

Notice I didn't advocate outlawing homosexuality but I advocated no social approval of the lifestyle either.

I bet you wouldn't dare tell a Muslim Imam that he is wrong for saying "Throw that homosexual off a mountain."

Because He and others sympathetic to his views would throw you off a mountain.

If my remark is so bigoted how come you didn't indicate so in your post.

Well I bet you just mocked me and resulted in hateful tirades like usual instead refuting what I wrote how typical of you "tolerant" leftists you wouldn't admit that decent people don't see everything eye to eye.

Then you made the typical remark take your meds.
If you believe homosexuality has a basis in physiologic reality than you should have your medical license revoked if you're a doctor and if you got an A in biology your instructor isn't a very good teacher either.

Someone who denies physiologic reality shouldn't be passing out meds or prescriptions!

In fact they shouldn't allowed to practice medicine!
If you're a doctor you sir are a quack of the highest order!

Anonymous said...

It's self-evident what harm religion can do in society - you and your bigotry are a good example. Rant on if you like or take more medication - either way I don't really care!