Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A law professor who would fail Logic 101

He has all sorts of qualifications and honors to his name but you would never know it from what he writes below
"Organised religion’s role in and responsibility for hate crimes ensues as a direct result of its dogmatic teachings according to which homosexuality is an abomination. In 1986, the Catholic Church, on the basis of the above belief, officially opposed extending civil rights protection to homosexual people.

It does not take the intellect of a rocket scientist to see that the flipside of the coin amounted to the condonation of anti-gay violence. [What nonsense! There is no such flipside. This is just an assertion. When you deny someone a right, it doesn't mean you are going to attack them]

In fact the Church itself endorsed this reading: ”When civil legislation is introduced to protect behavior to which no one has any conceivable right, neither the Church nor society at large should be surprised when other distorted notions and practices gain ground, and irrational and violent reactions increase” [That was not condoning anything. It was just a prediction. It in fact called violence irrational!]

No one can deny that, with very few exceptions, religion condemns homosexuality. When one condemns a practice as wrong, the logical implication is that the practice stands in need of punishment and correction. [That's another arguable point, but even if we accept that assertion, the question remains: "Who is going to do the punishing?" Romans Chapter 1 makes it clear that God will do the punishing, not man]


The guy is a South African and, sadly, he helps make Van der Merwe jokes plausible. Van der Merwe is the stereotypal dumb Boer.


sig said...

This really has absolutely nothing to do about hate. It's all about learning and understanding that God has defined specific roles, and that we are to do our best to live out those roles. Homosexuals, in acting on their homosexuality, are simply defying those roles.

Anonymous said...

This guy proves, once again, that being educated and being smart are two very different things.

Anonymous said...

It's just begging the question yet again - who has the authority to "pontificate" (pun certainly intended !!).

Charlie said...

"Organised religion’s role in and responsibility for hate crimes ensues as a direct result of its dogmatic teachings according to which ..." could easily be re-written as "Jaco Barnard-Naude's role in and responsibility for hate crimes against Christians ensues as a direct result of his dogmatic anti-Catholic rantings according to which ...."

Will we soon be seeing a European court bringing Mr. Barnard-Naude to justice for those Christians in the Middle East, and elsewhere, currently suffering from hate crimes? No - not likely. Only those suffering from Socialist Thinking Disorder are capable of finding logic in this thought train. Sane persons could not take themselves seriously if presenting such an argument.

Anonymous said...

The fact that he refers to 'organised religion' implies Christianty as the offender and gives Islam a free pass. What hypocracy.

If any religion is prone to commit violence on homosexuals it is Islam.


Anonymous said...

Islam gets its bigotry from the same source as Christianity - the Hebrew scriptures.

sig said...

@Anon 3:35, the huge difference is that Bible-believing Christians promote a relationship with Jesus Christ and God, and they care for those who do not believe. In contrast, Koran-believing Muslims promote self-gratification, and are willing to kill those who do not believe. Just watch any Islamic beheading video, and you will understand.

Anonymous said...

Siggy: So many self-proclaimed Christians pretend to "love" the "sinner" but are very quick with the condemnations and not-so-veiled threats of going to Hell. No doubt you'll say they aren't true Christians, but that's just the old "No True Scotsman" fallacy again.