Tuesday, May 03, 2011

A grunt from Canada about the monarchy

We read:
"I contend that the monarchy must go because it embodies values that are anathema to Canadian ideals of gender equity, religious tolerance and racial equality.

Succession of the monarchy is governed by male-preference cognatic primogeniture, under which sons inherit before daughters. How can Canada, which has such built-in bias favouring males over females as our head of state, be taken seriously on the issue of gender equality?

This blatant discrimination—which it seems to me is contrary to the spirit, at least, of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms—probably passes unnoticed because Queen Elizabeth II has reigned for almost 60 years, a lifetime for many Canadians. But for how much longer will Canadians stand for its basic lack of fairness?

And regarding the Charter, does it not prohibit discrimination on the basis of religion? Yet our monarch cannot be a Roman Catholic.


The monarchy long preceded Canada itself and works very well as it is. Will Canada's carping anti-discrimination laws ever evoke the vast pride and happiness shown by the British public on great Royal occasions? And the monarchy is also very popular in Canada itself

There was in fact quite recently a proposal in Britain to change the law to scrap male primogeniture and the prohibition of Catholics from the throne but it had no real support and was quickly dropped when the Archbishop of Canterbury said it would pose "difficulties".


Anonymous said...

Why would anyone care what Canadians think or say. FCUK "EM!

Anonymous said...

It would be very interesting to have a Catholic head of the Church of England.

Anonymous said...

"Why would anyone care what Canadians think or say."

You cared enough to comment.

Malcolm said...

Who said "gender equity, religious tolerance,and racial equality" are Canadian values? They may be the values of the ruling elite, but that does not mean the rest of Canada follows them.

Spurwing Plover said...

The canadians are seeing their nation slowly going down the tubes becuase of mindless liberal policies

Anonymous said...

much like their southern neighbor!