Sunday, July 18, 2010

Leftist "humor"

Unfounded abuse is funny? To Leftists, crass insults count as humor, apparently. Intelligence, insight or originality not required
"Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown slammed comedian Kathy Griffin for making a crude joke about his two daughters.

Griffin, star of “My Life on the D List” made the comments on the Bravo network Tuesday night. The segment features Griffin being shown a photograph of Brown by two CNN reporters, John King and Dana Bash. Griffin identifies Brown in the picture, saying, “Scott Brown, who is a senator from Massachusetts and has two daughters that are prostitutes.” Bash erupts in laughter at Griffin’s comment.

But Brown wasn’t laughing, blasting Griffin and Bravo for the segment.

“People can call me any name they want, but families are off limits," he said in the statement made through spokeswoman Gail Gitcho. "I love my daughters Ayla and Arianna very much, and any parent would be proud to have them as children. Kathy Griffin and Bravo ought to be ashamed of themselves.”

At the end of the clip, Griffin runs a disclaimer “from Bravo’s legal team,” saying the girls are not, in fact, “prostitutes.”

Ayla Brown is a former NCAA basketball player and recording artist. She is now a contributor for CBS’ “The Early Show.” Arianna Brown is currently a pre-med student at Syracuse University.


Abuse is all that Leftists are good at


Anonymous said...

Does anybody really care what a foul mouthed skank like Kathy G says?

Bobby said...

She's really funny when she does stand up comedy and attacks celebrities, but when she does reality TV then she's really boring and has to say shocking things to get attention. Still, it's really low class to attack the children of a politician.

Anonymous said...

Well Lezzie, being a leftist, i'm sure you know all about being a delusional, twisted, degenerate.

Kathy Griffin, an ultra-leftist, is clearly one of the most obnoxious, talentless people alive, and one of the ugliest. That two liberal maggotts from CNN would find her funny is not a surprise. What may be surprising is how Dana Bash can actually sleep with John King, her hair-lip husband. BTW, CNN has just dumped him. Finally.

Bobby said...

"They wear that as a badge on honor coming from delusional conservatards."

---Why are you here? Go back to the Huffington Post where everyone thinks like you do. This is a politically incorrect website and your opinions are totally politically correct.

Lizzie said...

"Go back to the Huffington Post where everyone thinks like you do."

Huffington Post is a joke, just like you.

Anon 4:11 said...

Lizzie said...
"Well Anon4:11, I like dick."

C'mon Lezzie, you're not fooling anyone. We know a fat, stinking, work boot, flannel-shirt wearing skank when we read one.

Anonymous said...

Guyes, guys calm down, Lizzie is a troll, if you do not feed it, just ignore it, eventually the troll goes away or dies of apathy.