Monday, February 08, 2010

The incomparable Pat Condell on the trial of Geert Wilders

No-one speaks the truth about Islam better than Pat Condell. Background: Conservative Dutch politician Geert Wilders is on trial in Amsterdam for inciting hatred against Muslims. The Dutch judges have refused to allow most of the defense witnesses Wilders wanted to call -- probably because they knew that the Muslim fanatics he wanted to call would confirm everything he has said. For more details of what is happening, see here

There's another fabulous Pat Condell video here


Anonymous said...

A really outstanding video!

As for the Netherlands, why would anyone be surprised at this socialist nations conduct, especially since surrendering is part of their national heritage.

Personally, i look forward to the coming day when ultra-liberal places like the Netherlands and Britain are completely ruled, (as opposed to partially ruled) by radical Islam. When that happens, the screams you will hear will be those same mindless liberals, as they will be the first to be beheaded. Don't ya just love it!

Anonymous said...

I agree totally that Gert Wliders is being railroaded by the left in order to pacify their Muslim contituancy. More fool them.

Pat Condell will be acknowledged as correct but it will be too late. It is time for all people to agree that free speech is more important than the ruffled feathers of the coddled few, especially when those coddled few are immune from prosecution for the same offences because they are considered a minority.
One law for all regardless. NO exceptions.

Europe is fading fast and America is following.