Thursday, September 04, 2008

Soda Ad Inflames British Consumers and Kids' Advocacy Groups

We read:
"Ads in the UK for children's drink Orangina, which feature scantily dressed anthropomorphised gazelles, giraffes and flamingos, have generated a wave of criticism since it hit British TV screens earlier this month, with viewers, children's charities and equal rights groups up in arms over its sexual - and, some believe, sexist - content. Equal rights groups are unhappy with the way in which female animals are depicted as lap dancers, gyrating around and pandering to the male animals, the UK's Independent reports.

"Orangina is a drink which is mainly aimed at children and young people, but this new advert places the product in a very sexualised [sic] and provocative context" said Claude Knights, director of children's charity Kidscape. "The almost sinister portrayal of animals in an animation style filled with sexual innuendo leads to very mixed and confused messages," she told Independent writer Rachel Shields.


See two more of the ads here. They are pretty weird but kids do tend to be amused by weird things.


Anonymous said...

I have to admit, if these ads are tageted at kids then they are a little off. You can be "weird" without giving a zebra breasts bigger then my wifes

Anonymous said...

Don't our kids have enough to deal with without having to be given body image issues by what are, in traditional child circles anyway, cuddly toys?

These adds are NOT targeted at children, who's concept of "pretty" is rarely driven by sexuality. These are targeted at adolescents (around age 13) and I would not be surprised to find they are also designed by men of simillar mind age.

That being said, they have the right to put the ads out, and consumers have the right to boycott the company.

Anonymous said...

Children shouldn't be subjected to the scourge that is furry. Furries should struck down at every opportunity.

Anonymous said...

The bear is kinda cool looking ... where can I buy this stuff?

Anonymous said...

More whining from a dying nation.

Anonymous said...

you can buy it all over Europe. Tastes nice. Best recipe used in Austria in my experience (like cola, different factories use slightly different recipes based on local taste and available materials).

Anonymous said...

Come on, people, it "Orangina". It rhymes with "vagina". What more do we need to say?!?

Anonymous said...

Whats are they doing to kids these days? what wrong with just a cartoon image of them critters?