Saturday, September 13, 2008

Actress faces jail for saying Pope will go to hell

We read:
"An Italian comedienne who said that Pope Benedict XVI would go to Hell and be tormented by homosexual demons is facing a prison term of up to five years. Addressing a Rome rally in July, Sabrina Guzzanti warmed up with a few gags about Silvio Berlusconi - her favourite target for her biting impressions - before moving on to some unrepeatable jokes about Mara Carfagna, the Equal Opportunities Minister and one-time topless model.

But then she got religion, and after warning everyone that within 20 years Italian teachers would be vetted and chosen by the Vatican, she got to the punchline: "But then, within 20 years the Pope will be where he ought to be - in Hell, tormented by great big poofter devils, and very active ones, not passive ones."

The joke may have gone done well with her crowd on the Piazza Navona in Rome, but not with Italian prosecutors. She is facing prosecution for "offending the honour of the sacred and inviolable person" of Benedict XVI.


More details here. If it's hate speech to criticize Islam, then it's surely hate speech to criticize the Pope. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.


Anonymous said...

Plain and simple, according to the Bible, if the Pope (or ANYONE for that matter) believes that he is a sinner, and that Jesus Christ died for his sins, then his sins are forgiven and he will have eternal life. If he does not believe that, then the Bible says that he is destined to Hell. That is fundamental Christianity, and has been the source of contention among Christians and non-Christians alike for centuries. If one cannot believe the Truth of the Bible, then one simply cannot be a Christian.

Anonymous said...

She should be publically hanged, as would be the case had she made that remark about Mohamhead.

Anonymous said...

People can tell me I am going to Hell, I do not care, and I would not send them to jail for their opinions.

Anonymous said...

Under Italian law (and other countries like the UK and Spain), sacrilege is a crime.
Defaming the Pope or another member of the clergy, who are God's representatives on Earth, is sacrilege.

AFAIK those laws don't in most countries that aren't Islamic indicate that they're to be enforced only for the protection of specific religions.
Of course in Islamic countries it doesn mean only Islam is protected as Islam considers the practice of all other religions to be sacrilege.

Anonymous said...

"People can tell me I am going to Hell, I do not care, and I would not send them to jail for their opinions."

Right on, anon. Heaven or hell is merely in the mind of the believer.

As a matter of fact after-life is the same.

Death is simply the failure to exist!

Anonymous said...


While I truly understand your position, please consider this: If Christians are wrong, what have we really lost? Nothing! We live good, moral lives with hope and joy.

But if you are wrong, what have you lost?

Anonymous said...

I originally post the following in the area.
"So who died & made the pope God?"

Anonymous said...

"in the wrong area." Man I'm having a hard time here. Duh