Sunday, April 13, 2008

Islamophobia is a disease?

The article below from the Middle East Times says it is. And Islamophobia may well be a mental illness. But first you have to find some Islamophobics. A phobia is an irrational fear. Fears about Islam are perfectly rational. Those crashing planes on 9/11 were not imaginary and they were all controlled by Muslims who justified their actions in the name of Islam. Many Muslims in Muslim countries are constantly shouting hate at the West and attacking Westerners and Christians wherever they can. To fear Muslims is perfectly reasonable.
"The question that seems to bother many Americans is not so much if Senator Obama is a Muslim or not, rather, the issue is centered more on a question stemming from a disease which has been plaguing the United States ever since September 11, 2001. The disease is called Islamophobia. The symptoms consist of the false belief that everything relating to Islam is tied to terrorism.



Anonymous said...

Either BO is a Muslim or he isn't now a Muslim. And if he isn't now, then he has a Target painted on him and every Muslim in the world should want to kill him. Since according to Muslim law, if your father is a Muslim, then you are a Muslim and if you switch to another religion, then the punishment is death!


Anonymous said...

On the other hand Mobius, most Muslims don't follow sharia that closely. Just like most Christians don't follow the archaic laws in the bible.

Anonymous said...

but Christians aren't cutting off the heads of people, muslims are

Anonymous said...

I don't have islamophobia, I get along with individual muslims that act and dress like common westeners. It's the radical muslims that preach Jihad that scare me to death.

Anonymous said...

I love how the media can invent a disease, define it, and then accuse the entire country of having it.

Anonymous said...

There is a big advantage to working with a Muslim, if you work a 24/7 job!

When I was a Mainframe Computer operator, we worked every day. The shift was Thursday thru Saturday and every other Wednesday, 12 hours a day. Thanksgiving was just another day to us, except that the rest of the building was empty. However working with a Muslim, meant that I always got that day off, since it wasn’t a holiday to him, and for four straight years, I got Christmas off too. Now he did have some holidays that he always wanted, but in five years of working with him, in only one case, did I also want that day off. But our deal was, that I got those two days off and he got all of his days off too!

Worked out great for me!


Anonymous said...

The symptoms consist of the false belief that everything relating to Islam is tied to terrorism.

It's not EVERYTHING relating to Islam that is tied to terrorism, just 99% of it!