Saturday, April 26, 2008

"Bullying" as a pretext for hate-speech legislation

We read:
"A bill that would expand Louisiana's anti-bullying law to include race, color and sexual orientation protection for public school students won approval Wednesday in a House committee. The legislation may also cover text messaging that is perceived as bullying, said state Rep. Walt Leger III, D-New Orleans and sponsor of the bill....

Current state law requires local school boards to enact policies that ban the harassment, intimidation and bullying of one student by another. Leger's bill would spell out what those terms mean for local school boards.

It bans verbal abuse or bullying, including slurs, name calling or derogatory statements because of race, color, religion, national origin, disability, physical/personal appearance or sexual orientation.



Anonymous said...

"Perceived as bullying?"


As we all know, perception is reality.

Anonymous said...

In this case, it's not a dispassionate third party making the judgment, it's the victim. I don't like you, I take everything you say the "wrong way," therefore you are a bully, although all you did was ask me what time it was!

Anonymous said...

Since you asked, it is 12:53 :-)

Anonymous said...

Great...more laws that will choke the courts even further.

Anonymous said...

Since anything anyone says can be "offensive" to someone, all communication and speech must stop.

Anonymous said...

I perceive your silence as offensive and bullying.

Anonymous said...

"Great...more laws that will choke the courts even further."

It's not the courts that are being choked, it's our freedom! As i've said before, political correctness is a far greater threat, and much more destructive to our freedom than is terrorism! If only the American people were still capable of thinking, and if they still had a national will, they would demand an end to political correctness, the destroyer of our society!

Anonymous said...

Political Correctness is persecuting people who have the gall to think for themselves or have an opinion contrary to the high priests of PC!

These leftists are a greater threat to freedom than the Taliban!
They're worse because they are chipping away at our liberties in the name of sensitivity.

Sensitivity Training more ReEducation Camp!

Anonymous said...

I meant Sensitivity Training more like ReEducation Camp!

These PC zealots are killing us with kindness and I use the term kindness rather loosely!

I get the feeling that if these forked-tongue cretins had the same power as the third World dictators there would be bloodshed!