Friday, July 19, 2019

Minnesota city reinstates Pledge of Allegiance after overwhelming protests

A Minnesota city council that voted last month to stop reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at meetings reversed that decision Monday night after protests began to take a toll on city staff, according to the Star Tribune.

Last month, St. Louis Park, Minnesota's city council voted to stop reciting the pledge at meetings in the name of diversity and inclusiveness.

After numerous protests at subsequent council meetings, the council unanimously voted to reinstate the pledge in order to move on to other issues and relieve pressure on city workers from protesters both in the city and nationally.

"There are many from outside of St. Louis Park who are abusing and harassing our city staff, making it very difficult for them to serve the residents and businesses in our city, which is the very reason our local government exists," councilman Thom Miller said Monday.

The council apparently believed initially that removing the Pledge of Allegiance from council meetings would allow "more diverse communities" to feel comfortable participating in local government. It's unclear why the pledge, which is a saying of unity, would make St. Louis Park residents uncomfortable.



Bill R. said...

Good, it should not have been removed. Saying the Pledge gives diverse communities a chance to feel a part of something bigger than themselves.

Anonymous said...

I do not feel any desire the say the Pledge; especially since the religious nuts got their addition in.
When I enlisted in the Army in 1945, I pledged my life; I consider that pledge to still be in effect; I do not need to keep repeating it.

Bird of Paradise said...

They voted to quit reciting the Pledge because some whining little snowflake was offended they then vote to restore the pledge after hearing from the people and that's the way it should be listen to the people not the snowflakes