Friday, July 26, 2019

ADL Calls on Sen. Hawley to Apologize for Using Words 'Cosmopolitan,' 'Globalist'

Amusingly, Hitler himself used the word "cosmopolitan" in "Mein Kampf" to mean tolerant

The Missouri chapter of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has called on conservative Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) to apologize for using certain words in a recent speech that many Jews view as anti-Semitic, words such as "cosmopolitan," "cosmopolitan elite," "globalist," and "rootless." Hawley dismissed the criticism, tweeting that, "the liberal language police have lost their minds," and that he is an "ardent advocate of the state of Israel and the Jewish people."

In his July 18 speech at the National Conservatism Conference, Sen. Hawley spoke about contemporary politics and the "growing divide between cosmopolitan elites and the rest of America."

"For years the politics of both Left and Right have been informed by a political consensus that reflects the interests not of the American middle, but of a powerful upper class and their cosmopolitan priorities," said the senator.  "This class lives in the United States, but they identify as 'citizens of the world.' They run businesses or oversee universities here, but their primary loyalty is to the global community.... Call it the cosmopolitan consensus."

"On economics, this consensus favors globalization," he said. "According to the cosmopolitan consensus, globalization is a moral imperative. That’s because our elites distrust patriotism and dislike the common culture left to us by our forbearers.  The nation’s leading academics will gladly say this for the record. MIT Professor Emeritus Leo Marx has said that the 'planet would be a better place to live if more people gave [their] primary allegiance to the community of human beings in the entire world.’”

"Just about any American worker without a four-year college degree will have a hard time in the cosmopolitan economy," said the 39-year-old senator.  "Maybe that’s one reason why marriage rates among working class Americans are falling, why birth rates are falling, why life expectancy is falling."

Hawley then emphasized the importance of Christianity in history and especially among America's founders.

"We are a unique nation with a unique history and a unique purpose in the world," he said. "That history began 2,000 years ago, when the proud traditions of the self-governing city-states met the radical claims of a Jewish rabbi, who taught that the call of God comes to every person, and the power of God can work through each, so that every human being has dignity, and standing, and can change the world."

"And so the idea of the individual was born," said Hawley.  "And our first forbearers brought that radical conviction to these shores and reshaped the republican tradition."

Senator Hawley has a pretty solid record on defending Israel and the Jewish people, his office told the Kansas City Star.  Also, on July 20, following the criticism, Hawley tweeted, "You’ll have to carry me out on a slab before I compromise my defense of the Jewish people, their greatness, their history, their safety, and the state of Israel."

"The liberal elites hate this speech because it calls out their failure," he tweeted. "It calls out their pretentiousness, their arrogance, their fake 'meritocracy,' their disdain for the middle of our society."


1 comment:

Bill R. said...

Sorry ADL, when I hear the word Cosmopolitan, I think of half nekkid women and sex quizzes. There is no need to feel insulted by everything. There are too many people out there more than willing to do it overtly.