Friday, June 14, 2013

Racist sandwiches?

Dr. Verenice Gutierrez, a principal with Oregon’s Portland Public Schools, has become convinced that America’s “white culture” negatively influences educators’ world view and the manner in which they teach their students.

For instance, last year a teacher in the district presented a lesson that included a reference to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Gutierrez says that by using sandwiches as an illustration, the teacher was engaged in a very subtle form of racism.

“What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?” asked Gutierrez, according to Portland Tribune. “Another way would be to say: ‘Americans eat peanut butter and jelly, do you have anything like that?’ Let them tell you. Maybe they eat torta. Or pita.”

Gutierrez is not the only Portland administrator who has become obsessed with identifying such forms of alleged racism. Almost all Portland school leaders have gone through “Coaching for Educational Equity,” a week-long seminar on race that’s conducted by the Pacific Educational Group.

In addition to teaching that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are racist, PEG trains educators to view “rugged individualism,” “adherence to rigid time schedules,” and the belief that “hard work is the key to success” as traits of the dominant white culture.

PEG teaches that minority cultures value “color group collectivism,” “interdependence,” group success, shared property, learning through social relationships, and making life choices based on “what will be best for the family or group.”

So how’s this new approach working for Gutierrez’s school?
The Tribune reports that “Oregon’s Department of Education just last month identified Harvey Scott School (where Gutierrez is principal) as a ‘focus school,’ which means it’s among the state’s lowest performing 15 percent.”

Perhaps if the staff spent more time on academic fundamentals, instead of obsessing about non-existent racial issues, the students would learn more.

We wonder how taxpayers will react when they discover Portland officials are wasting precious time and money to promote an ideology that may soon classify peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as a “hate food.”



Brian from Rochester NY said...

Well, then, mark both me and my son as purveyors of racial hatred...we both love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches-on white bread!

--When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail--

Anonymous said...

“rugged individualism,” “adherence to rigid time schedules,” and the belief that “hard work is the key to success” as traits of the dominant white culture.

Yeah, you know, that awful culture that put a man on the moon, won World War II, feeds the world, produces the most cutting edge drugs and medical treatments - all through HARD WORK....

How many of the kids attending these schools have to served detention for their failure to "adhere to rigid time schedules?"

Anonymous said...

While not dismissing this, this event including 22 teachers at the school complaining about the principal, took place back in September of 2012.

The Portland Tribune on which the referenced Breitbart article is based doesn't seem to have an update on what happened with this story, but the story itself does appear to be a little long in the tooth.

Anonymous said...

Another pathetic attempt to play the over-used race card as a cover for the school's poor performance.

A. Levy said...

It's truly amazing how very little time parents seem have to see that their children are being educated rather than indoctrinated. But, a look at public education today, such as this article, proves that it's already too late for the parents, and worse, the children.

"To conquer a nation without the use of military force, you must control the minds of their young..." -- Karl Marx

Anonymous said...

"What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?”

Dammit. Once and for all, we are NOT in Somali or Hispania (enter the hispanic nation of your choice here). We are in AMERICA. Stop being a such whiny liberal twit and get over all this PC crap.

If a peanut butter and jelly sandwich offends you, I submit that it is NOT the fault of the sandwich.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it's not that sandwich = torta, it's Gutierrez = PITA

Anonymous said...

The race obsessed educators think the belief that “hard work is the key to success” as traits of the dominant white culture. Well duh! Then they complain that minorities are disadvantaged. The irony is that any disadvantages minorities experience are inflicted by race obsessed lefty educators who refuse to emphasize hard work.

Anonymous said...

Witness the beginning of the end of Australia.

Anonymous said...

4:03 Yes, you are in AMERICA not Europe where the Earl of Sandwich invented sandwiches. So if you or your forebears came to AMERICA why don't you live in wigwams or teepees?

Anonymous said...

If you f'n libs are soooo "offended" by our culture and traditions PLEASE take advantage of one of the greatest freedoms we have, the freedom to LEAVE!

Don't let the door hit ya on the way out!

Dean said...

PEG teaches that minority cultures value “color group collectivism,” “interdependence,” group success, shared property, learning through social relationships, and making life choices based on “what will be best for the family or group.”

Color group collectivism? Is that a euphemism for segregation?

Interdependence, group success - well heavenly days, white society never works together as a team to get anything done. We never gather to work toward a common goal. Nope, no sports teams, no groups working to put a man on the moon, no organizations working to make a better society.

Shared property? Well that explains theft. It's just a culture of sharing property. Now that we understand we can just stop worrying about others sharing our property. (yeah, I know. That isn't what they're talking about but I couldn't resist making the remark.) But - my community has parks, sports fields, swimming pool, hiking/biking trails - all of which are shared property.

Learning through social relationships. Gee, it's too bad there are nothing like families, church groups, youth organizations, schools, choirs, sports teams, etc. that provide opportunity for social interaction and learning in white society. Poor us.

Making life choices based on what is best for the family or the group? Well, some don't do that. They frequently come in contact with a legal system where people have made a life choice that benefits society. The vast majority in white society, as do others, make life choices that benefit themselves, family and society.

Now I understand. PEG is of the opinion the white Americans are, in fact, a minority.

Anonymous said...

3:06 AM

Only a lib sh.t like you could connect the Earl of Sandwich with PB&J racism in America over two hundred years later.

Nice job. You must be very popular at cocktail parties in the village.

Anonymous said...

Wow 4:15 PM. You could have come across as less rude, and at the same time appearing to have a higher IQ than you evidently have. There was a point in the post you seem to have missed, and so could have responded to "the question" more intelligently! (As for your mention of parties, I can only guess at the kind you might prefer to attend!)

Anonymous said...

Please. Come here to take advantage of our superior social and economic structure that has lifted millions from poverty and oppression.
There is a cost, however. We require you to kill 5 libtards. This group is responsible for most of the suffering in the world-as an expression of their self-loathing. Believe me, this is a win-win situation; you find freedom and they are put oit of their marxist misery. Welcome!!