Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fury over German supermarket's 'sexist' sausages

To this day, Germany is a very un-feminist place

A supermarket chain in Germany is under fire for promoting 'his n' hers' sausages that critics say promote sexual stereotyping.

The Edeka supermarket company advertises the men-only bangers as 'hearty, strongly-spiced,' while the ladies' sausages are 'lean' - and to add insult to injury, half the size of the manly wursts and much more expensive.

Then there's the packaging - the male meat morsels are wrapped in plastic featuring a scantily clad woman while the ladies are offered a Chippendales lookalike with his pecs flexing.

Feminists have complained of 'dull sexism' in letters to the company.

Edeka refused to discuss the sexism issue - only commenting to a website that the female sausages are dearer because of 'particularly lean meat, high-quality vegetables packed into an especially delicate skin.'



Anonymous said...

Perhaps the Germans simply refuse to succumb to political correctness as the rest of the western world has. In that case, BRAVO!

Anonymous said...

Germany works as a free market. There is obviously a market for this product or they would not sell it. If the feminists was to bitch to someone then complain to the buyers not the sellers.

Anonymous said...

Ironically, you can bet that if you were to look through the personal effects of the females complaining, you are bound to find at least one "phallic shaped devise".