Friday, June 14, 2013

Must not speak the truth about black and Hispanic crime

A coalition of civil rights organizations has filed a misconduct complaint against a conservative judge on the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for allegedly discriminatory comments she made during a speech. Judge Edith Jones of Houston addressed the University of Pennsylvania law school on Feb. 20.

Jones, who is white, is accused of saying that certain "racial groups like African-Americans and Hispanics are predisposed to crime," and are "prone to commit acts of violence" and be involved in more violent and "heinous" crimes than people of other ethnicities.

The judge also allegedly said Mexicans would prefer to be on death row in the United States than serving prison terms in their native country, and that it's an insult for the U.S. to look to the laws of other countries such as Mexico.

Her comments were not recorded, but five students and one attorney who were in attendance signed affidavits on what was said.



Anonymous said...

Expect no cover from the "truth," whatever the statistics may say.

A. Levy said...

"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it..." -- George Orwell

Anonymous said...

Apparently, the judge is not aware that truthful and factual statements are no longer acceptable when they deal with one, any, or all of the highly protected special groups.

While it's very true that a fact cannot be racist, it's also very true that the people making these baseless complaints always fail to look at one factor. That being, the (factual) public arrest and court records showing who is actually committing the majority of violent crimes.

If not for the fact that the complainers are almost always racists, that one factor alone would end the argument. But of course, ending the argument is not what those people want. Making it, and continuing it, and perhaps ending up with a truck-load of money from frivolous lawsuits, IS what they want.

Anonymous said...

God forbid someone tells the truth.

Anonymous said...

So they don't attack the message they just attack the messenger?

Typical liberal MO!

Truth stings don't it?

Anonymous said...

4:49am Hate to break it to ya but we are LOWER per capita than europe NOW.

Places where the gun laws are very strict like the UK have a higher gun crime and violent crime rate then we do! Google it!

Anonymous said...

4:02 - such a vague statistic as that needs a lot of qualification and analysis, and like many "statistics" it may well be deliberately vague of mis-leading.