Sunday, October 04, 2009

Democrat hate speech OK

Referring to a claim made in the House by Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla.
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says anyone using harsh rhetoric to raise fears about health care reform should apologize and get on with writing policy, but said there's no reason to single out a Florida Democrat who said Republicans want sick Americans to "die quickly."


And this from the people who demanded an apology from Joe Wilson when he said that Obama lied. Joe Wilson, of course, had the class to apologize. The Left are big on demanding apologies from others but it takes enormous pressure to get even a half-hearted apology from them.


Anonymous said...

Grayson "had the floor" in the house. Wilson did not.

Brian from Virginia said...

Because Grayson 'had the floor', doesn't mean his comment was not sick or insulting. I don't think Wilson shouting "You lie!" was right either.

Use the Name, Luke said...

Wilson spoke the truth at an inappropriate time.

Grayson said inappropriate things at the right time.

Which is worse?

Use the Name, Luke said...

Pelosi's answer: Speaking the truth.

J. Birch said...

Wilson's big mistake was in apologizing for saying what is clearly true. Grayson's "apology" was more of an insult than his remark. But, that there are clearly two sets of standards for Left and Right should come as no surprise. This will all change in 2010.

Anonymous said...

So what exactly is the Republican's health care plan? (Other than doing nothing, which they are good at)

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:13 - The Republican plan is one which would actually work by driving down the cost of health care.

You've heard it a million times so your brain has obviously filtered it out because you don't care to hear it.

It's a very simple plan, namely tort reform. By making it so the lawyers will no longer be able to reap big bucks by making mountains out of molehills the cost of malpractice insurance (a doctor's single largest cost) goes down the price of health care will go down.

Anonymous said...

"You've heard it a million times so your brain has obviously filtered it out because you don't care to hear it."

I ask a simple question and you respond with bullshit and personal attacks. Screw you.

Joey said...

Anon 503. Where have you been for the last several weeks? The Conservatives have presented plans that would allow individuals to buy insurance across state lines, which would create more competition and thereby force the cost down. It also allow for health savings plans which the dems don't want. Also cracking down on fraud would reduce the cost even more. Also limit coverage to those who are in this country legally. I know you must listen only to the Main Stream Media or you would have heard.

Anonymous said...

I have heard. I have listened. However, I have not seen a comprehensive bill put forth by the Repubs.

Tort reform will get nowhere. Probably half of those in congress are lawyers and they will not eat their own. And do you really think that lowering the costs for insurance for doctors and hospitals will "trickle down" to the patients? Hardly. That's big business and by all means, protect the bottom line.

And, Joey, I agree with the items that you have listed. The problem is that, it is not in the form of a bill, something that can be debated and revised and then approved. At least the Dems put together a detailed plan in the form of a bill that can be debated. That is much more than the Repubs have done.

We are at the beginning of the process, not near the end as The President would hope. I detest the fear mongering put forth by both sides. What is needed is some adult supervision.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon 5:03, try asking your question next time without the untrue snotty comment at the end and you might get the straightforward simple answer you wanted. The truth is Republicans have offered over 800 amendments to the healthcare bill most of which have been shot down and ignored by the likes of Pelosi and her ilk. They have offered over 30 different health care proposals which have been ignored. So to say they are doing nothing is false and then saying they are good at doing nothing is inflammatory.

Anonymous said...

And do you really think that lowering the costs for insurance for doctors and hospitals will "trickle down" to the patients?

It has in states that have tried tort reform. Costs to patients are lower because of the cost of mal-med premiums are lower as well as the cost of so called "defensive medicine" is removed.

That's big business and by all means, protect the bottom line.

If, as you say, the bottom line is what matters than why won't the government protect the bottom line in Democrat's proposals?

Tort reform? Nope.
Coverage for illegals? Nope.
Lowering the waste in the system? Nope.

There is a bottom line here that you may be ignoring - the government takeover of private industries.

They have gone after health care, insurance companies, banks, car companies, middle to small businesses, etc.

The bottom line is that a private business has to watch costs, and provide the best services or else they go out of business. The government has no such restrictions. They can tax to increase income, and there is no one accountable for services or lack thereof.

We are at the beginning of the process, not near the end as The President would hope.

Yet Pelosi, the President, and every Democrat has said that we have to hurry. They have set deadlines to keep their constituents put of the loop. In fact, just the other day the Republicans offered up an amendment to allow the American people some time (I believe it was 10 days) to read any final bill before voting on passage.

It was shot down by the Democrats.

Grayson rose up in the House and "apologized" for Congress not doing their jobs. I happen to agree with him on that. The difference is that I don't believe that their job is taxing everything in sight, running the deficit up, putting people out of work, and attacking free enterprise.

He does see that as his job, so in that way, in his mind he is doing a bang up job.

Prof. Erwin Corey said...

Anon 5:03 said;
"I ask a simple question and you respond with bullshit and personal attacks. Screw you."

No, no comrade, you got it wrong. It's not that you asked a simple question. It's that you ARE simple, as are all those on the left. If you weren't such a mindless nitwit, (and a liar) you would know that Republicans have introduced dozens of "rational" health care bills which were all swept aside by the Demoncrats.

Now finish your Kool-Aid and go to bed. And try not to wet it this time.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:33,

You are quite the odd fellow, eh? I bet you send money to those late night TV preachers too.

Anonymous said...

Ah, more insults from the right. I wear them as a badge of honor. Keep it up. Let hate take over you inner core. Then you will be guaranteed a condo without air conditioning in hell.

Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

It's not hate Anon 3:15, more like pity.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:30,

Pretty pathetic come back.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't a come back, I feel sorry for people like you.

Anonymous said...

Do you think I give a shit what you think?

Anonymous said...

Ah, I tell you why the cost of health care is far higher than it ought to be and add a comment to match the one of your own and you show your true colors in an instant.

Go back and look at the responses and one person in particular stands out as having nothing but an abusive tone. If you want to debate keep your speech civil.

Of course you really don't want to debate, you find being abusive is much more your style.

Ok, you can remain ignorant. It's no loss to those of us who actually pay attention to what's going on.

Anonymous said...

Some people like to shoot defenseless animals for "sport". Others like to waste their time going to church. Others like to hit a little white ball from hole to hole. Others like to nod their head in unison by the words of the Rush and Glenn gods. These are all fine activities. I, for one, like to annoy all of the people above.

Robert said...

Alan Grayson's egregious lie was another instance that deserved to be called out by Joe Wilson's famous words.