Friday, June 05, 2009

Sense of humor deficiency about Hispanics

Recycled from Taranto:

The Ventura County (Calif.) Star reports on a kerfuffle that erupted last month at Westlake High School in Westlake Village:
Classmates watched Dean of Activities James Marshall drive a golf cart decorated like a U-Haul truck into the gym, as two juniors using heavy Latino accents talked about "getting jobs and crossing the border" from Thousand Oaks High School to Westlake High. The cart had a license plate with the letters "BNR," which stood for "beaner"--a derogatory term used to describe Mexicans and Mexican-Americans.

This doesn't sound especially funny. Indeed, we'd say the two students should get day jobs as soon as possible, so that they can keep them. But, predictably we suppose, "some students and parents . . . said the skit was offensive and should not have been approved by Marshall." Result:
[Friday] morning, Marshall sat in Principal Ron Lipari's office and wiped tears away as he talked about his remorse over approving the skit. Marshall said the two juniors--both Hispanic themselves--showed him the skit the day before.

Marshall then read a groveling apology over the school's public-address system. "Lipari said Marshall will take cultural sensitivity training next year and no longer serve as dean of activities."

Jeff Davis--not the president of the Confederacy but the Conejo Valley Unified School District's "director of secondary education"--took issue with those who were not properly offended:
"These were some kids who thought they were being funny," he said. "What's really sad to me was they were making fun of themselves, and that's terrible. That's the part that bothered me the most. Sometimes the best lessons are the hardest lessons to learn, and unfortunately this lesson was sad because children had to hear these wrong and insensitive comments.

"The bottom line is, we are going to put things in place to make sure this does not happen again in any one of our schools."

Yes, there's nothing worse than making fun of oneself! The only problem is, if you don't learn to laugh at yourself, you may not learn to laugh at others either. For example, it seems not to have occurred to anyone at Westlake that the idea of a grown man sitting in an office and bawling, over not a broken heart or the death of a loved one but something as trivial as this, is pretty damn funny.

Full disclosure: We attended Westlake High, although none of the names in the story are familiar to us. It was ages ago, and we didn't stay long: We didn't care for the place and got out after sophomore year. Still, it sounds as though things have gotten much worse since we were there. We don't recall ever being taught that it was wrong to laugh at oneself (though perhaps that's part of the 11th-grade curriculum).


Dean said...

If we can't laugh at ourselves, what can we laugh at? Not much. The image of James Marshall shedding tears over the skit isn't as much funny as it is sad. But then, we can only imagine the toungue lashing he took. Perhaps we'd shed tears too.

Jeff Davis' comment provides the quintessential picture of the left: humorless, emotionally driven, unaccepting of differing viewpoints, controlling and self-righteous.

Stan B said...

I think what is REALLY offensive to the left is the idea that two bright, young, Latino boys have no problem sending up the stereotypes their community has allowed to develop!

Has anyone ever watched George Lopez, for Chrissakes? His Stand-Up Comedy and his Television Series is FULL of stereotypical behavior, and mocking not only the stereotypes, but the underlying behavior.

The truth is, how people of identifiable minorities behave sets the stereotypes. And the left, as always, can't handle the truth!

Anonymous said...

Now that Amerika has been fully PC'ized, only humor that has been pre-approved will be allowed, such as insulting Christians, or insulting anything Bush.

This is not simply an indication that we've lost our sense of humor, but rather an indication that we've lost our country, our common sense, and our individualism. It also shows how weak we've become as a people, that we would allow things like this to go on without so much as a raised vioce in protest.

And we wonder why no one in the world has any respect for us? Clearly, it's because we have none for ourselves.

Bobby said...

Carlos Mencia makes fun of himself, Joan Rivers makes fun of herself, it is a great mark of character not taking yourself too seriously.

Anonymous said...

Must be rough going through life a humorless drone.

Anonymous said...

What can be more offensive to Spanish speaking peoples than to have bleeding-heart liberals lump them all into one convenient group called Hispanics. Don't these people mind having their identity taken away? Don't they have any national pride?