Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Round up “hate speech” promoters?

Jail Rev. Jeremiah Wright? Mass roundup of Muslim preachers? Methinks this lady has not heard of the 1st Amendment.
"If yesterday's Holocaust Museum slaying of security guard and national hero Stephen Tyrone Johns is not a clarion call for banning hate speech, I don't know what is. Playwright Janet Langhart Cohen appeared on CNN yesterday right after the shooting, as she wrote a play that was supposed to have been debuted at the Holocaust Museum last night. Her play is about Emmett Till, whose lynching helped launch the Civil Rights Movement, and Ann Frank, whose diary told the story of Holocaust victims in hiding in the Netherlands during World War II.

She said something must be done about ridding the Internet and the public dialogue of hate speech. I agree. Not only have we had three hate crime murders within the last two weeks (Mr. Johns, as noted above, Dr. George Tiller a week ago last Sunday, and Pvt. William Andrew Long by an American-born Muslim convert outside a recruiting station just before that.)

Now we have this quote from the so-called Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who used to be President Obama's pastor. Hate comes from among all peoples and all religions. He said this about his lack of communication with Barack Obama since he's been elected president, according to the AP:

"Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office," Wright told the Daily Press of Newport News following a Tuesday night sermon at the 95th annual Hampton University Ministers' Conference.

It's not enough to prosecute these murders as murders. They are hate-motivated crimes and each of these men had been under some sort of police surveillance prior to their actions. Isn't it time we started rounding up promoters of hate before they kill?



Anonymous said...

As abhorent as I think each of those incidents is, I would rather die than see our freedom of speech curtailed and policed by some government thug to make sure it is not "hate" speech. Such laws are subjective and can lead to honest criticism or debate being prosecuted.

Stan B said...

Hate speech is verbal communication that induces anger due to the listener's inability to offer an intelligent response

So one man's opinion is another man's hate speech.

Tidford Tatt said...

"Isn't it time we started rounding up promoters of hate before they kill?"

-- By Bonnie Erbe
Copyright © 2008 U.S.News & World Report, L.P.

What a hateful statement!!! As my first nominees for "haters" to be rounded up, I nominate Ms. Bonnie Erbe and the editors of US News & World Report.

Nutcase said...

Hate speech is free speech. Get used to it.

And why is it every time we have some nut pull a stunt like this we have everyone screaming for more laws? Here's a thought, why not ENFORCE THE DAM LAWS WE ALREADY HAVE??!!!

And if we are going to start rounding up all the haters, just build a fence around hollyweird, 99.9% of them spew hate on a daily basis.

I assure you the only people they want tossed in jail are Conservatives. After all didn't Napolitano call for just that a while back?

The last thing I want is government looking over my shoulder.

But the left wing nuts pushing for this should remember, one day a Republican WILL get elected and if he is like the current moron in the White house you will see them change their tune on "Hate Speech" especially when THEY are the minority party.

Be very careful when calling for MORE laws that erode our liberties because one day they will turn on YOU!

Anonymous said...

"Truth sounds like hate to those that hate the truth."

Anonymous said...

Has Ms. "Cohen", who is obviously a liberal, (look at her plays) referred to Rev Wright's remarks as hate speech? Or the anti-jew remarks of Loius Fairy-kan? And what did she have to say about the fact that no one that i've heard in the MSM has called the murder of the Army recuiter a hate crime?

Ooops, sorry. He was a White male, apparently not jewish, and therefor doesn't qualify.

Bobby said...

"As abhorent as I think each of those incidents is, I would rather die than see our freedom of speech curtailed and policed by some government thug to make sure it is not "hate" speech."

---I agree with you. Europe has some of the toughest hate speech laws and yet hate crimes are a common occurrence. Dr. Tiller was an isolated incidence, the Holocaust Museum was the work of an old man with nothing to lose.

Persecuting people for hate speech will only make them martyrs and heroes of the causes they represent, which will lead to more recruitment.

Anonymous said...

Anon-1, in case you haven't noticed, your freedom of speech has been eroding for some time now. The main cause of that erosion is political correctness. Sit down some day and make a list of all the things that were perfectly ok to say 10 years ago, and that are now considered "totally unacceptable and offensive" by one special group or another.

As for the so-called hate-crime laws, they were invented to protect select groups of people who have some political significance to Democrats and the Left. (ie: gays, blacks, etc.) And, as the below link shows, the protected groups are being expanded "for political reasons". Why should an assault on a gay or black be considered a more serious crime than an assault on a White or hetrosexual? Does not the Constitution guarantee "equal protection under the law"?


Anonymous said...

Have you never heard of love crimes?

Stan B said...

All crimes are hate crimes. -Anon 7:54 PM

Yes, a man who steals a loaf of bread hates that is family is starving for lack of economic opportunity.

A man who sleeps under a bridge in defiance of "no loitering" laws hates that he has no house, nor shelter, nor family member to take him in.

A man who inadvertently loses control of his vehicle in the rain and causes an accident (being cited for "failure to maintain control") hates the laws of physics.

I'm just guessing here....

Robert said...

Let's try, "All violent crimes are hate crimes - violence against an individual would not be perpetrated without the perpetrator hating the victim."