Lettercreep concedes defeat
Sarah the clear winner in a war of words
"US TALKSHOW host David Letterman has sought to draw a line under his feud with Sarah Palin, apologising for making a raunchy joke about the Republican politician's daughter. The 62-year-old funnyman's gag referred to Ms Palin's daughter being "knocked up" by baseball star Alex Rodriguez after the Alaskan governor and her family recently attended a New York Yankees game.
Ms Palin had accused Letterman of targeting her 14-year-old daughter Willow who had attended the game with her.
Letterman, however, said his joke had meant to target Ms Palin's 18-year-old daughter, Bristol - whose teenage pregnancy became a talking point during last year's presidential election campaign - but his intent was irrelevant. "I told a joke that was beyond flawed and my intent is completely meaningless compared to the perception," Letterman said. "And since it was a joke I told, I feel that I need to do the right thing here and apologise for having told that joke. It's not your fault that it was misunderstood, it's my fault.
"So I would like to apologise, especially to the two daughters involved, Bristol and Willow, and also to the governor and her family and everybody else who was outraged by the joke. "I'm sorry about it and I'll try to do better in the future."
Ms Palin had lambasted Letterman on Friday, telling NBC's Today program that the veteran chat show king had "crossed a line". "It was a degrading comment about a young woman and I would hope that people start really rising up in deciding it's not acceptable," Ms Palin said. "No wonder young girls especially have such low self-esteem in America when we think it's funny for a so-called comedian to make such a remark."
Ms Palin had earlier decried the joke as "inappropriate" and "sexually perverted," saying it contributed "to the atrociously high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others".
I cannot imagine what sort of garbage mind would find the rape of a young girl funny.
Below is a picture of Sarah Palin's daughter Piper. Note the great look of defiance on her face. I hope Willow is just as feisty.

If you don't like David Letterman (note correct spelling), then don't watch him.
Have a pleasant day.
Don Imus lost his job for his comments. I didn't agree with him losing his job but I do think an apology was the right thing to do as it was here. Obviously due to free speach, there was no legal obligation to do so but there is a higher law, doing what is right that more people should do. Our society would be better if we went beyond the minimum standard of what is legal and do what is proper, virtuous, and good.
Lettermans "apology" was as sincere as he is, which is, not at all. The lives of these phony show-biz people are controlled by their sponsers, and their sponsers are controlled by numbers. The number of viewers. The number of people buying their crap. And, the number of complaints they receive. In their world, complaints = threats to their bottom line.
Whenever these sponsers sense a threat to their sales numbers, they make changes to what we see on TV. And what they say goes! They know Letterman is a used-to-be-funny, ultra-liberal has-been who's ready to be toppled. They just want to drain every cent out of him before they cut him loose, which will be very soon, although not soon enough.
The simple fact that other comedians have made similar and even worse jokes about Palin and her family and received ZERO criticism for it just shows that Palin was just trying to keep things going and her name in the news.
examples? SNL made a joke about incest in the Palin family. Sarah Palin responded by not saying anything, and then GOING on SNL and taking part in several sketches.
Leno made a joke about her daughters getting knocked up at a NHL game. Someone (possibly SNL or conan) made a joke about Palin taking her daughters with her because when she leaves them at home, they get pregnant. all of these resulted in NO outrage.
Why is she not in Alaska doing the job she was ELECTED to do and is being PAID for????
"Why is she not in Alaska doing the job she was ELECTED to do and is being PAID for????"
---Are politicians not allowed to take a vacation now and then? Obama took vacations, George W. Bush took plenty of vacations, the government runs itself even when the boss isn't there.
Oh yeah, they can take vacations. But how much do they get? three weeks? a month?
It just seems that I hear about her in the news a lot, and 90% of the time, she's not in Alaska. (I'm discounting the election stuff here, this is all SINCE November).
You know if I was flipping the bird in front of my mom, I would have gotten my blocked knocked off and then hit again, because I should clean up my blocks.
I would not have thought Sarah was that lenient.
Anon 4:57, why is she fighting back now? Has it dawned on you that maybe she's just getting fed-up with the constant attacks from the Left?
And vacations? What about the half-breed in the Oval Office? Aside from the fact that he has yet to actually do anything, (even the left is turning on him now) has he spent any time OFF of Air Force 1? And do you see Gov. Palin taking 500 people with her, all at taxpayers expense? Besides, if the rest of the country were in the same financial condition as Alaska, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in.
It's quite obvious that the Left fears Palin because they know she's going to be a tough, no-nonsense, non-leftist, non-Marxist, non-socialist president. I only hope her daughters grow up to be as smart and as tough as she is.
She's a public figure, they're comedians. Comedians make fun of public figures. This isn't a difficult concept.
If she can't take the heat, she should get out of the kitchen. And she should certainly stop dragging her children into the kitchen with her and using them as shields.
And, let's be honest, the left doesn't fear Palin. They fear that the rest of the country will be stupid enough to elect her into an office with ACTUAL responsibility. You elected Bush because he was someone you wanted to have a drink with. It's not hard to imagine that you'd elect Palin because she's a looker.
She lost the election for the Reps. It's time for her to shut up and go back to Alaska. She can come out again in 2011 for her 2012 failure.
Yeah, who is the little Palin girl giving the finger to? Is it Letterman?
"She's a public figure, they're comedians. Comedians make fun of public figures. This isn't a difficult concept."
---Her daughter Willow (the 14 year old) is NOT a public figure. Bristol might be closer to a public figure since she gives lectures on abstinence, but making fun of people's children is a hateful thing to do, unless they deserve it. Willow didn't deserve it.
And, let's be honest, the left doesn't fear Palin. They fear that the rest of the country will be stupid enough to elect her into an office with ACTUAL responsibility. You elected Bush because he was someone you wanted to have a drink with. It's not hard to imagine that you'd elect Palin because she's a looker.
And you elected Obama because he is black!
"let's be honest, the left doesn't fear Palin."
She's not campaigning and the only time I hear about her is when the left attacks her… over, and over again. So why is the left aggressively attacking someone who, at most, isn't any more visible than most politicians?
"You elected Bush because he was someone you wanted to have a drink with."
I bow to your mad mind reading skillz, O Great Carnak the Magnificent. Tell me, what I am I thinking right now?
"Her daughter Willow (the 14 year old) is NOT a public figure. Bristol might be closer to a public figure since she gives lectures on abstinence, but making fun of people's children is a hateful thing to do, unless they deserve it. Willow didn't deserve it."
Agreed, and if you had half a brain cell you'd realize that the target in the joke was the daughter who DID get knocked up. (Who is legal age and, as you said, a public figure now)
But I agree with you, the kids should be left out of it. Which is why Palin should leave them at home and not keep bringing them out to every event she goes to. There are these people called "babysitters". She should look into them.
Maybe you should give that same advise to your half-breed, Muslim president when he drags his two little chocolate bunnies around with him.
well ok. next time I run into him, I'll pass on your message.
"There are these people called "babysitters". She should look into them."
So, she should forgo the opportunity to do things like—oh, I don't know—take her kids to a ball game or do some tourist stuff in New York just because some idiot will refuse to control himself and say wildly inappropriate things?
Do you keep your kids locked up in the basement to "protect" them?
1) The photo of Gov. Palin's daughter has been "photoshopped".
Check snopes.
2) I don't have any real annomosity towards Letterman, although I hate his slimy tactics.
I do, however, harbor a great deal of distain for the sock-puppets in the audience who laughed their Liberal asses off when Letterman held his original lame excuse session.
America, as I've known it and defended it, is gone. Now we all can sit back and becon in the new era of The Messiah's golden Socialist age.
Maybe it's been destined by natural selection or irreversable evolution. All i know is I don't like it.
"Agreed, and if you had half a brain cell you'd realize that the target in the joke was the daughter who DID get knocked up. (Who is legal age and, as you said, a public figure now)"
---Actually, it's Letterman who needs half a brain cell since it was WILLOW, the 14 YEAR OLD who was at Yankee Stadium.
"Which is why Palin should leave them at home and not keep bringing them out to every event she goes to. There are these people called "babysitters". She should look into them."
---Palin brought her to a baseball game just like Obama brings his kids to easter egg hunts at the White House and other places. Part of being a parent includes spending time with your children or would you rather have them raised by nannies?
The treatment of Palin and her family reminds me of how Monica Lewinski, Linda Tripp and every other person who stood up to the abominable Clinton administration was treated. Nothing has changed, the "jokesters" lacking anything substantial to use quickly revert to the sophomoric crude jokes about appearance and sex.
Remember how anyone standing up to the Clintons got quickly hit by
by the smear train? If you don't, ask your doctor for an Alzheimers test.
For those who actually care about the truth, here is the original photo.
Thanks bogsidebunny.
"---Actually, it's Letterman who needs half a brain cell since it was WILLOW, the 14 YEAR OLD who was at Yankee Stadium."
Ok. When the joke was told, 90% of the planet would have no idea which daughter was at the game. And it doesn't matter for the joke.
You have a known ladies man on the yankee team. You have a public figure whose daughter got knocked up attending a yankee game. The joke writes itself.
But as Dave said, if you have to explain the joke, then it isn't funny.
And since when do jokes have to contain factual information? Have a priest and a rabbi ever actually walked into a bar together and said "ow" because it was an iron bar?
"---Palin brought her to a baseball game just like Obama brings his kids to easter egg hunts at the White House and other places. Part of being a parent includes spending time with your children or would you rather have them raised by nannies?"
You're comparing Palin dragging her kids across the country to Obama taking his kids into the front yard? You know they LIVE in the white house right?
Now I have no problem with them taking the kids some places. If there's a reason for them to be there. GOP convention, they can be there, SHOULD be there. But a governors meeting across the country where the kid will be in a hotel room watching tv for most of the time, why not leave them at home with a sitter?
I'm all for her having an active role in her childs development, but she has a job to do that doesn't involve them, and continuing to drag them along is going to cause more mixups like this.
Plus, were the kids done school at the time of this incident? You'd hope so, but, mid-june, it's hard to say for sure.
"For those who actually care about the truth"
The truth matters not. It is all perception.
Ok, it didn't show up too well in the last one, try this one
Or just go to theonion.com and look at the American Voices part.
You're comparing Palin dragging her kids across the country to Obama taking his kids into the front yard? You know they LIVE in the white house right?
---I know that, I used a bad example and I'm sure Obama has dragged his kids all across the country.
Now I have no problem with them taking the kids some places. If there's a reason for them to be there. GOP convention, they can be there, SHOULD be there. But a governors meeting across the country where the kid will be in a hotel room watching tv for most of the time, why not leave them at home with a sitter?
---Who says they're sitting watching TV? Willow is 14, at that age she can walk around in the city, I'm sure Palin got her a tour guide to show her the sights.
I'm all for her having an active role in her childs development, but she has a job to do that doesn't involve them, and continuing to drag them along is going to cause more mixups like this.
---Kids grow up too fast and before you know it they're in college and you're stuck with an empty nest. Palin is simply balancing work with family, the cost to the taxpayers is minimal, in fact, since Alaskan don't pay state or income taxes but benefit from that taxes oil companies pay the state, nobody should complain if she drags her kids along.
Plus, were the kids done school at the time of this incident? You'd hope so, but, mid-june, it's hard to say for sure.
---I don't know, but either way, who cares? There are all kinds of families, I knew one where they spent an entire year navigating a sailboat around the world. So maybe those kids lost one academic year but they gained a unique experience.
You need to realize that life is very short and very tough and before you know it, you're stuck with a job you hate or unemployed looking for ways to kill time because you can't stand the boredom of the daily grind. Palin is giving her kids the best opportunities in life, I'm sure Willow won't mind catching up after an exciting trip like this. Although frankly, Yankee Stadium? I hate baseball, but whatever rocks their boat I guess.
"---Who says they're sitting watching TV? Willow is 14, at that age she can walk around in the city, I'm sure Palin got her a tour guide to show her the sights."
I was thinking more of events that take place at night. Like balls and so forth. Ones where the husband/wife attends, but the kids don't.
But I have to admit, I really don't know or care enough about Palin's parenting skills to comment here.
And I see your point on wanting to spend time with them before they grow up, but I still think that dragging them around the country isn't good for them.
And I DO realize how short life is, but I also realize how important a good education is. And while missing a week of school at 14 isn't too bad, education starts to get very important from there on.
I think we can agree that no one would want her to end up like her sister or Paris Hilton. I don't think anybody would wish that on their worst enemies kids!
In general, which is worse, telling a joke that you didn't realize would be seen as sooooo offensive by some, or the media repeating over and over after they knew it was offensive? How many people would even be aware of it if the media hadn't shoved it down our throats. The so called news is rarely more than gossip, but we only blame the originator, not the repeaters.
"I was thinking more of events that take place at night. Like balls and so forth. Ones where the husband/wife attends, but the kids don't."
---I see your point, but who knows, maybe Willow should stay home at night and do whatever homework she's missing, watch TV, or have a nanny take her to a broadway show.
"but I still think that dragging them around the country isn't good for them."
---It may seem bad, but kids are highly adaptable, look at the ones from military families, they're forced to change towns every few years which forces them to develop social skills by always being the new guy somewhere else.
"I think we can agree that no one would want her to end up like her sister or Paris Hilton. I don't think anybody would wish that on their worst enemies kids!"
---At least Paris Hilton has never gotten pregnant (assuming she hasn't aborted). Paris isn't so bad, she's done movies, TV shows, clubs pay her $50,000 or more to show up and party, I don't know if she or her sister have a clothing line, if she does drugs she does them responsibly, she's learned from her DUI experience and she damn sexy. True, she could read a few books and develop her brain a bit more, but I happen to have a crush on Paris Hilton so my opinion might be biased.
"At least Paris Hilton has never gotten pregnant (assuming she hasn't aborted). Paris isn't so bad, she's done movies,"
Oh yeah, she's done 'movies' all right!
"...and she damn sexy."
for a broom stick, maybe.
"True, she could read a few books and develop her brain a bit more, but I happen to have a crush on Paris Hilton so my opinion might be biased."
well, fair play to you. I'm just really not that impressed by her.
Oh yeah, she's done 'movies' all right!
---Well, she's had several cameos and lead roles in National Lampoon's Pledge This! and Bottoms Up.
"...and she damn sexy."
for a broom stick, maybe.
---I happen to like broom sticks :)
"well, fair play to you. I'm just really not that impressed by her."
---You should read her article in Wikipedia, did you know that according to Forbes Magazine she earned approximately $2 million in 2003–2004, $6.5 million in 2004–2005,and $7 million in 2005–2006. That's not bad for someone who's "famous for doing nothing" as people say.
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