Thursday, June 25, 2009

Jack Black risks fury with Bible rant

We read:
"Jack Black is as black and white as the furry animal he played in Kung Fu Panda when it comes to biblical discussions. His latest outburst may upset a number of religious groups after making jokes about the Bible - insisting the sacred text was written by "an idiot."

World Entertainment News says Black, who was raised as a Jew, dismissed the stories of the Old Testament and admitted he doesn't believe the Biblical writings.

He says, "Do you believe that God came down and went 'I have to make the Earth'? And then said, 'I'm going to invent nighttime and daytime'. You don't invent nighttime, it's just the Earth turning. It was written by kind of an idiot. "He didn't know basic stuff. I don't believe that God - and there may be a God, I'm not saying there isn't.


There have of course been riots in the streets over this and death threats from angry Christians. Sorry! Wrong religion.


Stan B said...

God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. - Genesis 1:5

Maybe Jack should read the book he is criticizing before opening his mouth about what it says.

Bobby said...

It irks me that people who never read the bible are so quick to trash it.

Anonymous said...

Ooo, I'm so concerned about what some comedian says. Why do people care about what some hollywood actor says. They spend their lives saying words others put in their mouths so they have to spout their own nonsense to make themselves feel important.

Anonymous said...

He's just saying what is being taught in public schools to every child.

The mental image of Jack standing before his maker on judgment day, trying to explain himself is truly saddening. Perhaps someone will bring him the "Good News" before then.

Anonymous said...

Jack Black is a comedian? I never thought he was that funny.

Anonymous said...

"The mental image of Jack standing before his maker on judgment day, trying to explain himself is truly saddening. Perhaps someone will bring him the "Good News" before then."

Yeah, that would be hilarious. Jack Black stands before Brahma, and says "huh. how 'bout that? Still, I get points for not falling for that Christian mumbo jumbo right?"

Although, I think that's a little too subtle for him. He'd probably do something involving jumping and yelling.

Anonymous said...

"Why do people care about what some hollywood actor says."

You mean like Ronnie Reagan?

Anonymous said...

Want a deadly riot??


The Qurans toilet paper!

Anonymous said...

2:03 - if light was there on the first day to make "day" and "night", then why on the fourth day did God say "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the give light upon the earth ... And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night". So what was the first light that was created, as it was not from the sun. Also the plants were created before the sun, so did they photosynthesize using the "pre-solar" light????

Stan B said...

Anonymous 11:34 PM, I'm not arguing whether the Bible is scientifically accurate, or even if it's the "inspired Word of God." I am arguing that Jack Black is ignorant of what the Bible says, and using that ignorance to set up Straw Man attacks.

P.S. - The first light was the "Big Bang!"

Anonymous said...

The next thing you know, you guys will be arguing over how tall Sponge Bob really is!

Anonymous said...

"Christians are the best punching bags for the left, they can get all their juvenile frustrations out and we don't hit back."

That's their CHOICE.