Saturday, June 27, 2009

Beware federal meddling with the Internet

We read:
"The Senate Commerce Committee on Tuesday urged President Barack Obama’s pick for chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Julius Genachowski, to “fix” what many in Congress see as a dysfunctional agency. And Genachowski’s vow at his confirmation hearing to make the FCC “a model for transparency, openness, and fairness” is encouraging—and likely will suffice for him to breeze on through the full Senate.

But Americans should be wary of allowing such a powerful federal agency to start defining what “openness” and “fairness” mean when it comes to regulating the Internet. Genachowski is a firm believer in “net neutrality,” a concept that would shift the management of Internet traffic out of the free market and into the hands of bureaucrats. Net neutrality is a policy in search of a problem to solve—and one that would put barriers in front of a vibrant market that is successfully and quickly meeting the needs of consumers. The market punishes Internet service providers who manage their networks poorly because consumers have a simple recourse: They can pick another ISP. When government starts regulating the flow of Internet traffic in ways that degrade the Web experience, consumers will find the FCC is not so responsive.



Anonymous said...

"Transparency, openness, and fairness”. That's exactly what president Obummer has been promising since he started campaigning two years ago. The only thing we've gotten from him are lies. And there's no reason to believe the new FCC boss will be any different. Keep in mind, the only interest congress has in the internet, is to tax it in any and every way they can.

How typical of one of the most corrupt and inept governments in the world.

Anonymous said...

It's no secret that Congress has been trying for a long time to find a way to tax the internet, but without a public backlash. If it's ever going to happen, it will happen with this Leftist government in power. They use a very simple formula. First, get the people addicted to something, (internet, gasoline, cell phones, etc.) then when that addiction is solidly in place, tax them to death. Oh, the people will bitch and moan, but they'll pay. And, thanks to the weakness of the American people, that formula hasn't failed yet!

Anonymous said...

Another "toll" on the highway to a Socialist America!

Anonymous said...

How very true bogsidebunny.

Anonymous said...


"There is no difference between the principles, policies and practical results of socialism—and those of any historical or prehistorical tyranny. Socialism is merely democratic absolute monarchy—that is, a system of absolutism without a fixed head, open to seizure of power by all corners, by any ruthless climber, opportunist, adventurer, demagogue or thug."
– Ayn Rand