"Fat" now an incorrect word

From Australia:
"Fat and black. Those are the words a police officer wrote to describe Rube Nixon on official court documents and she is furious. An indigenous health worker, Ms Nixon is the first to admit she is overweight. Tipping the scales at more than 100kg [220 lb.], she has recently lost 12kg and knows she needs to lose more. But to have a police officer choose the word fat, when asked to officially describe her build, was highly insulting and highlighted a backward attitude, she said...
Police initially declined to apologise, saying "the document was only intended for internal use" and no offence was meant. But yesterday Queensland Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson announced a review to ensure terms used by officers were appropriate. "I regret any embarrassment felt as a result of this matter, and I will be contacting the person as soon as possible to discuss our response," he said. He said both skin colour and build terms would be reviewed after the complaint.
Fat, is fat and that's that! If you don't like it, do something about it. Lose the weight, you tub of lard.
So after this PC'ized Police Commissioner "reviews" (see: changes) the procedures, she will no longer be fat and black? And why is it that so-called poor people are always 200 lbs. and more? Is "allegedly" not having enough to eat the true cause of obobesity?
I'm confused. Are the police now supposed to make medical diagnosis when writing reports? "Overweight," "obese," etc, are all medical terms. "Fat" is a descriptive term. What term would she prefer - "morbidly obese?"
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