We read:
"France's 1960s screen icon Brigitte Bardot was fined 15,000 euro ($20,000) on Tuesday for inciting hatred against Muslims by attacking the ritual slaughter of animals in Islamic culture.
In December 2006, the film star-turned-animal rights activist wrote to France's then interior minister, now President Nicolas Sarkozy, arguing Muslims should stun animals before slaughtering them during the Eid al-Adha holiday. She outraged anti-racist groups by saying: "I've had enough of being led by the nose by this whole population which is destroying us, (and) destroying our country by imposing their ways."
"The court ruled that the comments in question clearly referred to the Muslim community and constituted a legal offence," said judge Nicolas Bonnal.
Bardot's lawyer said he did not know whether the actress would appeal the sentence -- which fell short of the two-month suspended jail term sought by the prosecution -- but that she "will not be silenced in her defence of animals."
Bardot's previous convictions, dating back to 1997, were for writings attacking the "Islamisation" of France, calling for a halt to mosque-building and describing Muslims as "invaders."
France really only had two great 'warriors' ... one they banished to an island, the other they burned at the stake. France will not defend herself against anything or anyone. Sadly, the U.S. is following in her footsteps.
A sad day indeed, when one is not allowed to voice their opinion for fear of "offending" someone else.
Liberty is dead in France.
The most well known victory of the French was during the French Revolution.
Of course, that was a victory over the French, so does it really count????
The only person with the balls to say something in France is an old movie actress? That is a sad commentary on the state of things in France. Unfortunately, we are headed in the same self destructive direction here in the U.S.
Bardot's a nutcase, but even nutcases can sometimes say something that hits the mark (albeit usually by accident or for the wrong reasons).
the muslims have won
surrender now
It should come as no surprise that France is finished. In fact, you can add Britain and the US to the growing list of countries who seem to be adhering to the Neville Chamberlain theory of diplomacy. Why stand up for your country when you can simply surrender! To Muslims, the word tolerant means, "weak fools". And they're right!
Poor old Neville Chamberlain who was simply trying to avoid a repeat of then so-recent horrors of World War I that wiped out millions - and now blamed by history for not being psychic enough!
I would add Charles Martel who defeated the Muslims at the Battle of Tours in 732, and then chased down and wiped out the remaining Muslim survivors, as a third great warrior that France can claim. Considering how he kept France free of the Muslim menace, and probably prevented the rest of Europe from being brutally conquered and enslaved, Charles Martel might even be France's greatest warrior, above Napoleon and Joan of Arc.
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