Canada: Radio host's Nazi remark deemed fair comment

ANYTHING is OK if you are criticizing conservatives:
"The Supreme Court of Canada has unanimously ruled that an outspoken Vancouver radio host is not liable for defamatory statements. The court upheld a previous B. C. Supreme Court decision that the right to fair comment protected "shock jock" Rafe Mair's statements in an on-air editorial about Kari Simpson, a public figure whom Mr. Mair compared to Nazis and Ku Klux Klan members...
On a Vancouver talk show in 1999, Mr. Mair criticized Ms. Simpson for having anti-gay views and said she reminded him of Adolf Hitler and prominent Ku Klux Klan members. At the time, Ms. Simpson had a reputation as a leader "of those opposed to any positive portrayal of a gay lifestyle," wrote Justice Ian Binnie....
"We live in a free country where people have as much right to express outrageous and ridiculous opinions as moderate ones," the ruling says.
If the same criteria are applied, Mark Steyn should have an easy run once he gets his case into a real court.
Uh...this is the same Canada that has those courts to censure what people say.
I guess if one is a left wing fanatic you're protected, any moderate or right leaning person gets their mouth sewn shut.
Quite typical for The Peoples Republic Of Canada!
It's not so much the courts that are censoring, rather the quasi-judicial tribunals run by people with no legal training, etc. Activists for "social justice".
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