Thursday, October 04, 2007

Rockland, NY: Cultural Differences may not be Mentioned Either?

We all know that mentioning racial differences is a no-no but....

"Democrat Thomas Zugibe yesterday accused Republican District Attorney Michael Bongiorno of making "racially insensitive" remarks about Hispanic immigrants during a forum last week....

Zugibe, a former West Haverstraw justice, yesterday chastised Bongiorno for telling the seniors that the reported increase in rapes were not happening in their community, but mostly in Hispanic areas. Bongiorno's comments came after Zugibe pointed out an increase in violent crime, including a rise in reported rapes from 24 in 2005 to 29 last year.

Bongiorno told the seniors that a major reason behind the increase was statutory rapes involving Hispanic men having sex with underage girls. Bongiorno attributed the reasons to Latino cultural difference in regard to legal ages of consent in their home country. The age of consent in New York is 17. In many Central American nations, the age is far lower....

Bongiorno said yesterday that his remarks were not racist toward Hispanic immigrants but factual and an effort to assure the audience that they were not in danger.
