Tuesday, October 16, 2007

At Least One Jew Gets it about Coulter

Further to my post yesterday about Ann Coulter, it seems that someone much more influential than I am has come to the same conclusion:

"David Horowitz, editor of Front Page Magazine, says in his blog today he's received "a surprising number of e-mails from friends basically asking 'What are you going to do about Coulter?'"

"My response is this," Horowitz writes, "What else would a Christian hope for? That's the message of the New Testament: Jesus came to fulfill, complete, perfect the Law. If you're a Christian, that's what you believe." ....

"If you don't accompany this belief by burning Jews who refuse to become perfected at the stake why would any Jew have a problem?" he writes. "Why do some Jews think that Christians should not really believe what they believe while it's okay for Jews to really believe they are God's Chosen People? I don't get it. Whatever happened to the pluralism of ideas?"

Horowitz concludes: "In any case, what I'm going to do about Coulter is finish her latest exhilarating book, "If Democrats Had Any Brains They'd Be Republicans," which happens to be a hall of fame of her so-called "over the top" moments that drive leftists crazy. Right on Ann."


I did a review of one of David's most recent books ("The end of time") here (scroll down). An exceptionally interesting book.