Friday, October 05, 2007

Patriot Attacks Insulting Flag Display

We read:

"In an act of great patriotism, Jim Brossard, Vietnam vet and bus driver in Reno, Nevada, took personal action when he saw a Mexican flag flying over the Stars and Stripes, which is in fact a federal crime. Jim decided that couldn't stand, so he cut the Mexican flag down. It is this sort of individual act, simple and right, symbolic and actual, that has kept Old Glory flying throughout our history. We salute Jim, and thank him from the bottom of our hearts.


It is not in fact a crime. SCOTUS has ruled that ANY use of Old Glory is protected free speech. But if someone had desecrated or insulted (say) the United Nations flag or a pink homosexual flag, the Left would undoubtedly have called it "hate speech". But insulting America is fine, of course.