Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Orthodox Rabbis Defend Coulter

We read:

"With the secular media trumpeting the outrage of liberal Jewish groups at Ann Coulter's remarks on her desire for all people, Jews included, to become Christian, spoke with Orthodox Jewish Rabbi Yehuda Levin. Rabbi Levin, the spokesman on moral issues for some 1000 Rabbis, told, "She said nothing that in any way indicates anti-Semitism."

On CNBC's 'The Big Idea' last week, host Donny Deutsch became hysterical when Coulter tried to explain that Christianity considers itself the continuation of Judaism, and thus Christians wish followers of Judaism to complete the journey - "we want Jews to be perfected" she phrased it.

Deutsch called Coulter's comment uneducated, "hateful and anti-Semitic" and went so far as to compare her to Iran in wishing to "wipe Israel off the earth."


Sounds more like hate speech against Coulter to me