Thursday, April 05, 2012

OK to mock conservatives

Fat jokes aimed at Chris Christie
Numerous media outlets have covered New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s first overseas trip to Israel. But among the many headlines, one distinguishes itself as particularly snarky and — offensive.

It’s no secret that Christie has struggled with his weight (he addressed the issue in an interview with Oprah Winfrey not long ago). In making numerous jabs about the governor’s visit to Israel and the Wailing Wall, in particular, The New York Post titled its story, “The Whale at the Wall.”

While many were consumed with questions surrounding what the trip would mean for Christie’s political career, it seems Carl Campanile of the Post, was more interested in penning quips about the governor’s weight. A look at the first two paragraphs of the story provides other corroboratory evidence:

"New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie made a huge impression at Israel’s Western Wall yesterday during his first official overseas trip as head of the Garden State.  Christie, wearing a yarmulke with his name and title embroidered on it, brought his political heft to the holiest Jewish site in Jerusalem, where he laid his hands on the rough-hewn stone, his eyes shut in prayer"

Also, let’s not forget the sub-header, which reads, “Christie weighs in at Israel holy site.”

Of course, the story did go on to provide pertinent information about the trip and the potential political impact it could have on Christie’s career moving forward. But one cannot help but wonder why numerous jabs about his weight were thrown into the article’s content and header, as it seems like an odd inclusion in a seemingly hard-news story.



Brian from Rochester NY said...

Hey! Maybe we need a law like the one in Arizona!

The Post is bullying Christie about his weight. It might cause Christie to lose some self-esteem and feel bad about himself.

Anonymous said...

If Christie was a female and/or a leftist Demoncrat, you can bet your life weight would not be an issue. Besides, the NY Post, like most other newspapers, is nothing more than a supermarket tabloid, so who cares what they say.

Bird of Paradise said...

Liberals are so fat they have more chins then a Hong Kong phonebook

Anonymous said...

It's always been politically fashionable to mock your ideological opponents for any reason you can think of. The real shock is that the left has managed to effectively shut down the use of such mocking by the right, not the fact that the left has not stopped their own mocking.

Use the Name, Luke said...

Anon 6:44,

Personally, I don't find it very surprising. Mockery is only effective against those who have a conscience. That's why it works against conservatives, but not against leftists.

Anonymous said...

The dude is fat, but so is Hillary Clinton, and she's fugly too, but when do you ever read about it in a news story?

Campanile is a DOUCHE and there is no need to be clever with fat jokes in a new story.


Anonymous said...

Anon 6:44, you are quite right. Perhaps, if the Republicans were not the party of weakness, they would learn to take the gloves off when dealing with the left. Who knows, they might actually win something, and hold onto it.

Anonymous said...

Other countries may well wonder at Hillary Clinton's over-informal appearance in the international media, especially her hairstyle (or lack of). Perhaps it reflects a "don't-much-care-what-anyone-thinks-of-the USA-anymore", either because of being so complacent or else knowing the days are numbered as being the only or top super-power (whether militarily, economically or diplomatically) - ??

TheOldMan said...

Did Christie whine about the puns? Somehow I doubt it. I thought they were humerous. BOP, chuckles.