Saturday, April 07, 2012

NYC List of Banned Words Goes Public

Here's the full list of words that are banned  from appearing on NYC school tests,
Abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, or psychological)
    Alcohol (beer and liquor), tobacco, or drugs
    Birthday celebrations (and birthdays)
    Bodily functions
    Cancer (and other diseases)
    Catastrophes/disasters (tsunamis and hurricanes)
    Children dealing with serious issues
    Cigarettes (and other smoking paraphernalia)
    Computers in the home (acceptable in a school or library setting)
    Death and disease
    Expensive gifts, vacations, and prizes
    Gambling involving money
    Homes with swimming pools
    Junk food
    In-depth discussions of sports that require prior knowledge
    Loss of employment
    Nuclear weapons
    Occult topics (i.e. fortune-telling)
    Rap Music
    Religious holidays and festivals (including but not limited to Christmas, Yom Kippur, and Ramadan)
    Rock-and-Roll music
    Running away
    Television and video games (excessive use)
    Traumatic material (including material that may be particularly upsetting such as animal shelters)
    Vermin (rats and roaches)
    War and bloodshed
    Weapons (guns, knives, etc.)
    Witchcraft, sorcery, etc.



Anonymous said...

As most people know, NYC is "the other Left coast", so things like this are common here. Our limp-wristed little tyrant, (a.k.a. His Majesty Bloomberg) hired his "friend" Denis Walcott to run the school system, which explains why the word "ballerina" was not on the list. They feared offending their "friends" in the gay community.

Brian from Rochester NY said...


The inmates are running the asylum!

Life Happens! Deal with it!

Don't sweep it under the table with these word bans and pretend these things don't exist.

Teach our kids about the real world, not your utopian dream world.

Anonymous said...

Let the cleansing begin. Eugenics is the answer.

Anonymous said...

I guess math is the only course they will be teaching.

Dean said...

It is assumed that history tests will not be given nor will history be taught since a great deal of history speaks of birthdays, use of alcohol and tobacco, catastrophes, celebrities, the plight of children as well as adults, computers. crime, death and disease, divorce, evolution, gifts, gambling, halloween, homelessness, hunting, sports, employment (and economic troubles in general), nuclear weapons, politics, poverty, religion, religious holidays, rock and troll music, slavery, terrorism, television, traumatic events, vermin, violence, war, weapons, and witchcraft.

Liberals seemingly would be very happy in a world which forgets the past. Especially when memory of the past shows what an abysmal failure liberal policies generally are.

Their list go proscribed words would also make teaching and testing science, literature, art, social studies, psychology, sex ed, and perhaps some areas of mathematics.

School will just be sitting in circle singing Kumbyah and praising Glorious Leader.

Dean said...

Sigh. When will I learned to proofread before posting?

Second to last paragraph above should read:

"Their list of proscribed words would also make teaching and testing science, literature, art, social studies, psychology, sex ed, and perhaps some areas of mathematics impossible.

stinky said...

"Proofread" will be on next year's list; no worries!

Anonymous said...

Education is not the goal of public education. The goal of public education is to groom an easily ruled citizenry with the proper indoctrinated set of beliefs, and to provide secure jobs for a powerful Union.

Bird of Paradise said...

The Big Apples core is full of worms many,many worms and MICHEAL BLOOMBURG is the biggist worm of them all

Anonymous said...

Why isn't the title "US List of banned ...." If it happened in the UK, JonJay would have referred to the UK or Britain and not to London or some provincial location, because obviously his agenda is to excite anti-UK sentiments amongst the majority American readers of his site as he is obviously anti-British because of his Irish ancestry!

Anonymous said...

This is NYC. You can bet your life that list was compiled to pander to the city's gay activists, many of whom control large parts of the city govt., such as the City Council and City Hall.

Go Away Bird said...


Anonymous said...


Can't do that. Our beloved Wall Street would be affected.

Flu-Bird said...

Boycott NYC choose another vacation spot this summer