Monday, January 24, 2011

New campaign: Hands Off the Internet!

We read:
"The Internet managed to revolutionize our lives without the involvement of busy-body politicians. Instead, the Internet is entirely regulated by non-State institutions, incentives, and rules.

These free market forms of regulation actually work, unlike most State regulations. The politicians find this hard to tolerate, so they're constantly looking for excuses to meddle. That's why is introducing our Hands Off the Internet campaign."



Anonymous said...

Why the government will get it's hands on the internet;

1. Billions in fees and taxes,
2. The ability to control information,
3. The ability to control the sheeple.

Stucco Holmes said...

"1. Billions in fees and taxes,
2. The ability to control information,
3. The ability to control the sheeple."

China and Iran already have (2) and (3) covered. The USA is probably more interested in (1) to pay for entitlement programs and earmarks.