Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hungary must not mention its own history

Because Hungary was on the losing side in WWI, some Hungarian-populated regions were given to other countries -- but Hungarians are not allowed to regret or even mention that
" The Hungarian EU presidency is steering into a fresh controversy with the installation of a 'history carpet' featuring a map of 'Greater Hungary' in the Justus Lipsius building where ministers and leaders from all 27 member states meet during summits.

Intended to be a "historical timeline" of Hungarian symbols and images, the 202 square-metre long carpet rolled out on the floor of the Council of the European Union building is likely to spark fresh controversies about the nationalistic outlook of the government in Budapest...

But to MEPs from countries in the region, the very choice of the map - depicting Slovakia and parts of Romania and Serbia as part of the Habsburg empire - is indicative of the nostalgic sentiments and even irredentist impulses of the current government.

While agreeing with the Hungarian spokesman that the map relates to 1848, when Hungary rose against the Habsburg empire, along with other nations, Austrian Green MEP Ulrike Lunacek also pointed out that at the end of that process, 19 years later, the Austro-Hungarian co-regency was formed, putting Budapest on an equal footing with Vienna and granting it the same imperial authority over other nations.



Anonymous said...

Is this really any different from the hatred shown against descendants of the Confederate South wanting to depict an accurate and factual historical timeline that includes images of slavery and Confederate symbolism?


Anonymous said...

No, it's no different at all. Thanks to the global addiction to political correctness, most people find it "easier and more convenient" to simply ignor reality and replace it with something that "feels" nicer. It's a sign of a deep and fatal decay, whether it's a nation or a society.

Anonymous said...

Obviously historical geography is a thing of the past. Much to messy in today's politics, easier only to deal with the 20th century geography until the leftist goals have been met (i.e. Israel) which once achieved will move on to only recognise 21st century geography unless some leftist's want to restore previous borders.