Sunday, August 12, 2012

Strange homosexual pornography OK, says British jury

The Emma West referred to below ranted about immigrants while on public transport

The Libertarian Alliance welcomes the acquittal of Simon Walsh on the charge of possessing “extreme pornography.” It sees the acquittal as a victory for freedom of expression.

Simon Walsh, a barrister and former adviser to the Mayor of London, was charged with possessing images of acts between consenting adults. The law used was section 63 of the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, which outlaws pornography depicting acts which would cause “serious harm to the anus, breast or genitals”. On Thursday the 9th August 2012, the jury acquitted him on all counts

Speaking today, Dr Sean Gabb, Director of the Libertarian Alliance, made these points:

1. There should be no law against the creation and publishing of any image depicting acts between consenting adults. Doubtless, the more extreme the act, the more investigation there should be regarding the reality of consent. In this case, however, it was reasonably plain that the parties had consented and were enjoying themselves.

2. There should be no law against the mere possession of any image. Possession of images should be used as evidence of involvement in illegal acts. But laws against possession in itself are a licence for the police to fabricate evidence.

3. The acquittal of Mr Walsh should be seen as a victory for free expression and a vindication of our ancient system of trial by jury. However, the main target of censorship by the British State is no longer sexual expression but dissidence against political correctness. The Libertarian Alliance notes that Emma West, a white working class Londoner arrested in 2011 and charged with “hate crimes,” has still not been brought to trial. There have been repeated and ill-explained delays, and there is reason to believe that the authorities are hoping to wear her down by delay into pleading guilty. They are frightened that, as with Mr Walsh, their oppressive laws against freedom of expression will not bear scrutiny by a jury of twelve ordinary people.


More background here


Anonymous said...

As always let's make excuses for the perverts unless there are little children involved and the press knows. All the signs of a society in collapse. The Romans would be proud.

Anonymous said...

As long as the government isn't paying for it, as with the NEA or supporting them with welfare, I don't care what consenting people do with each other while taking pictures. I think a legal code with just about 10 laws should just about cover anything. Screw these beaurocrats that want to regulate everything people do.

Anonymous said...

Yeah - rite! No corresponding criticism need apply to your own very questionable country??!! (re 2:28 plus the resident two bird-brain trolls).

Anonymous said...

"However, the main target of censorship by the British State is no longer sexual expression but dissidence against political correctness..."

And herein lies the real reason Britain is a dying nation, even though it's supporters, such as Anon 3:09 above, fail/refuse to see it. Apparently, fools would rather not see/deal with reality, as it is not always pretty.

If Britain and it's people choose to drown in their own "PC juices", then i say, good riddance. And yes Anon 3:09, America is well on it's way down that same drain.

Anonymous said...

4:30 AM - you're just a drama queen!